Here are four variants on the classic "Broadsword" class, the first is my version of the basic "Merc cruiser" and the others are more specialized versions.
800 ton "Gladius" class Mercenary Cruiser (Type CZ)
Book 2 design
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Tons MCr
Custom hull, streamlined 800 88
Jump drive-M, J-3 65 120
Maneuver drive-M, 3-G 23 48
Power plant-V, PP-5 61 160
Jump fuel, 1xJ-3 240 0
Power plant fuel, 30 days 50 0
Extra fuel, for craft 8 0
Bridge and Mod/5 computer 25 49
8xhardpoints with triple turrets 8 8.8
12x beam lasers 0 12
6x missile racks 0 4.5
6x sandcasters 0 1.5
2x Ship's boat 60 32
4x G-carrier 32 4
2x Speeder 12 2
Sickbay 8 8
Troop training area 20 10
40 x staterooms 160 20
8 x low berth 4 0.4
Cargo 24 0
Totals 800 568.2</pre>[/QUOTE]Crew:
Captain, pilot, navigator
Chief engineer, 4 engineers
Chief gunner, 7 gunners
Surgeon, medic
2 boat pilots, 2 boat gunners
Platoon leader, platoon sergant
48 troops
The Captain, pilot, navigator, chief engineer, chief gunner, surgeon, platoon leader, and platoon sergant have individual staterooms, all others share staterooms.
The "Gladius" is designed to carry a platoon of mechanized troops, deploy them into medium-intensity warfare and support them for an extended period. The ship's boats serve to land the troops and their vehicles, carrying half the platoon at one time. The speeders provide courier service, reconaissance, and medical evacuation. The ship has a large sickbay and the eight low berths give the ability to "freeze" personnel wounded beyond the ship's capability to treat, preserving them for later treatment at more advanced facilities. The "Gladius" also has a large space dedicated to the carried troops, giving them an exercise room, a range for simulated firing of weapons, and a virtual reality training area for rehearsals of upcoming operations.
The ship has a larger than needed powerplant to provide sufficient power to run the avionics and ships' weaponry and still provide excess power to the maneuver drive for extra Agility in combat. As a result the "Gladius" is better able to care for itself in space combat than many other ships.
This vessel is a utility infielder, not specialized for any one aspect of warfare but capable in many different roles, and such flexibility makes it ideal for mercenary units that might be called upon to perform widely different combat missions from contract to contract.
800 ton "Fairbairn" class Commando Cruiser (Type CR)
Book 2 design
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Tons MCr
Custom hull, streamlined 800 88
Jump drive-M, J-3 65 120
Maneuver drive-M, 3-G 23 48
Power plant-M, PP-3 37 96
Jump fuel, 1xJ-3 240 0
Power plant fuel, 30 days 30 0
Bridge and Mod/5 computer 25 49
8xhardpoints with triple turrets 8 8.8
12 x beam lasers 0 12
6 x missile racks 0 4.5
6 x sandcasters 0 1.5
3 x Ship's boat, armed 90 54
4 x fighter, armed 40 80
Sickbay 8 8
Troop training area 20 10
46 x staterooms 184 23
8 x low berth 4 0.4
Cargo 26 0
Totals 800 603.2</pre>[/QUOTE]Crew:
Captain, pilot, navigator
Chief engineer, 4 engineers
Chief gunner, 7 gunners
Surgeon, medic
3 boat pilots, 3 boat gunners
4 fighter pilots, 4 fighter mechanics
Platoon leader, platoon sergant
48 troops
The Captain, pilot, navigator, chief engineer, chief gunner, surgeon, platoon leader, and platoon sergant have individual staterooms, all others share staterooms.
The "Fairbairn" Commando Cruiser is a more specialized design than the "Gladius," built for the purpose of delivering a platoon of raiding light infantry directly onto a target in a quick strike. The fighters serve to clear the way for the ship's boats to deliver the troops, who usually wear combat armor and grav belts allowing them to "jump" from the boats without the boats actually having to land. The boats then proceed to a waiting area where the mobile infantry will meet them for pickup after their mission is complete. Like the "Gladius," this ship has a large sickbay and the eight low berths give the ability to "freeze" personnel wounded beyond the ship's capability to treat, preserving them for later treatment at more advanced facilities. She also has a large space dedicated to the carried troops, giving them an exercise room, a range for simulated firing of weapons, and a virtual reality training area for rehearsals of upcoming
All of the small craft are armed with a mix of beam laser, missile rack, and sandcaster.
Being a specialized design, the "Fairbairn" is not as capable in space combat as the Gladius, and cannot easily carry vehicles.
800 ton "Hedgecutter" class Armor Transport (Type CT)
Book 2 design
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Tons MCr
Custom hull, streamlined 800 88
Jump drive-H, J-2 45 80
Maneuver drive-H, 2-G 15 32
Power plant-H, PP-2 25 64
Jump fuel, 1xJ-2 160 0
Power plant fuel, 30 days 20 0
Bridge and Mod/5 computer 25 49
8xhardpoints with triple turrets 8 8.8
12x beam lasers 0 12
6x missile racks 0 4.5
6x sandcasters 0 1.5
2x Cutters, armed, open modules 100 64
Sickbay 8 8
Troop training area 20 10
13 x crew staterooms 52 6.5
8 x low berth 4 0.4
17 x troop staterooms 68 8.5
Vehicle Bay 220 0
Cargo 30 0
Totals 800 433.2</pre>[/QUOTE]Crew:
Captain, pilot, navigator
Chief engineer, 3 engineers
Chief gunner, 7 gunners
2 cutter pilots, 2 cutter gunners
Up to 34 troops
The Captain, pilot, navigator, chief engineer, chief gunner, and medic have individual staterooms, all other crew share staterooms. Usually the troop unit commander will have an individual stateroom, as might the troop unit senior NCO.
The "Hedgecutter" class is specialized to transport vehicular units, up to a company of tanks or other vehicles. The capacious vehicle bay (two decks tall) is laid out to hold the some of the largest vehicles, and the real restriction is the maximum size vehicle that the modular cutters can hold in their open modules. This limits the "Hedgecutter" to carrying vehicles of less than 25 tons displacement and maximum dimensions of 4 meters high by 5 meters wide by 12 meters long unless the ship is able to land in which case the limit is only the size of the hatches of the vehicle bay (5 meters high by 15 meters wide). The cutters are armed with a mix of beam laser, missile rack, and sandcaster. Like the "Gladius," this ship has a large sickbay and the eight low berths give the ability to "freeze" personnel wounded beyond the ship's capability to heal, preserving them for later treatment at more advanced facilities. She also has a large space dedicated to the carried troops, giving them an exercise room and networked virtual reality vehicle simulators for rehearsals of upcoming operations.
Often the vehicle bay is not filled by the vehicles to be carried and the remainder of the bay is used to carry additional supplies or modular quarters are installed to carry additional troops, although this can put a heavy strain on the life support system.
To gain this huge vehicle bay, the "Hedgecutter" is only capable of Jump-2 and 2-G acceleration. In an assault landing the ship would stand off and deliver her cargo via the cutters. Usually the ship would wait until a secure planethead had been gained and then land to offload. Being even less capable in space combat than the "Fairbairn" class this ship would almost never be deployed alone, usually arriving in an escorted convoy to bring the vehicles of a battalion or larger-sized unit to a combat zone.
800 ton "Sabre" class Space Cruiser (Type CS)
Book 2 design
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Tons MCr
Custom hull, streamlined 800 88
Jump drive-M, J-3 65 120
Maneuver drive-W, 5-G 41 84
Power plant-M, PP-3 67 176
Jump fuel, 1xJ-3 240 0
Power plant fuel, 30 days 60 0
Bridge and Mod/5 computer 29 84
8xhardpoints with triple turrets 8 8.8
12 x beam lasers 0 12
6 x missile racks 0 4.5
6 x sandcasters 0 1.5
8 x Mod/1bis FC computers 8 32
1 x Ship's boat, armed 30 18
10 x fighter, armed 100 200
11 x Mod/2bis craft computers 0 198
Sickbay 8 8
32 x staterooms 128 16
8 x low berth 4 0.4
Cargo 22 0
Totals 800 1056.2</pre>[/QUOTE]Crew:
Captain, pilot, navigator
Chief engineer, 4 engineers
Chief gunner, 7 gunners
Surgeon, medic
1 boat pilot, 1 boat gunner
10 fighter pilots, 10 fighter mechanics
Squad sergant, 12 troops
The Captain, pilot, navigator, chief engineer, chief gunner, surgeon, fighter leader, and squad sergant have individual staterooms, all others share staterooms.
The "Sabre" Strike Cruiser is a more specialized design than the "Gladius," intended for the space combat and space control mission. She carries the most sophisticated electronics available and each turret has its own Mod/1bis fire control computer, allowing the ship's main computer to focus on ship control and ship defense. The "Sabre" carries a full squadron of ten light fighters, and has the ability to support them for an extended period. The ship's boat can act to support the fighters or can serve as a boarding craft for the reinforced squad of ship's troops. Like the "Gladius," this ship has a large sickbay and the eight low berths give the ability to "freeze" personnel wounded beyond the ship's capability to treat, preserving them for later treatment at more advanced facilities.
All of the small craft are armed with a mix of beam laser, missile rack, and sandcaster and carry a Mod/2bis computer.