Working on my art, and practicing with the new construction I worked this up. Tossed in an animated all around display for viewing pleasure.
I included multiple build variations on the base hull, ranging fro the dirt cheap, throw away drone, to a top of the line EW drone.
it's a multi-vector thrust capable drone. with high powered Boosters to give it extra acceleration and bone crushing acceleration. Used a non-gravity hull since no one is aboard it and most vehicles can handle a ton of gee forces without coming apart...people...not so much.
It's pretty easy to outfly and outfight, but intended as a swarm style fighter depending on numbers to offset the skill of a human pilot.
and nope, it won't be fighting in any atmosphere at any's not designed for that
looking for feeedback and comments on design ( game mechanics) and art...
Remote Operated drone"Stripped"
Base Model(laser)
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6/16
1.5 Trust Hours reaction fuel
Sensors Military Grade
ulse laser, intense focus, high yield
Computer: Rating 5
Virtual Crew/0
Mcr 19.533
Sensors: +1
Attack: +2( Pulse laser Modifier included)
Mcr 5.598
Note: Referee may require one sensor operator station per drone aboard carrier vessel
Stripped versions of all drones available reducing cost of drones by removing software packages and installing a basic rating 5 computer.
Autonomous Fighter Drone
Base Model(laser)
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6/16
1.5 Trust Hours reaction fuel
Sensors Military Grade
ulse laser
Computer: Rating 20
Virtual Crew/0
Virtual Gunner/1
Fire Control/1
Mcr 19.533
Sensors: +1
Attack: +4( Pulse laser Modifier included)
Missile Version
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6/16
0.5 Trust Hours reaction fuel
Sensors Military Grade
Weapons:Missile rack, 1 ton ammo
Sensors: +1
Attack: +2
Computer: Rating 20
Virtual Crew/0
Virtual Gunner/1
Fire Control/1
Mcr 19.383
Model-L (Enhanced computer laser armed)
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6/16
1.5 Trust Hours reaction fuel
Sensors Military Grade
ulse laser, Intense focus, High Yield
Sensors: +1
Attack: +4( Pulse laser Modifier included)
point defense attack for any allied vessel/craft within close range
( +4 bonus due to bandwidth limitations)
Computer: Rating 30
Virtual Crew/0
Virtual Gunner/1
Fire Control/1*
point defense/1*
( both can not be active at same time)
Mcr 33,9687
Sensors: +1
Attack: +4( Pulse laser Modifier included)
point defense attack for any allied vessel/craft within close range
Model M(Enhanced Computer Missile Armed)
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6/16
0.5 Trust Hours reaction fuel
Sensors Military Grade
Weapons:Missile rack, 1 ton ammo
Computer: Rating 20
Virtual Crew/0
Virtual Gunner/1
Launch Solution/2
Fire Control/1
Sensors: +1
Attack: +3
Sensors: +1
Attack: +4( launch solution Modifier included)
Mcr 29,8187
Recon "Raven" Model
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6
Sensors: Improved
Enhanced Signals Processing
ulse laser
Computer: Rating 30
Virtual Crew/0
Virtual Gunner/1
Broad Spectrum EW
Mcr 53.55
Sensors: +5 (+9 to Jamming, Electronic warfare Checks)
Automatic EW against many missile salvo fired within long range of it's position
Attack: +1
Illustration:Model fQ-129 "Oscar"
A small agile combat craft small enough to be carried in a 10ton berth, or as cargo aboard commercial vessels. The ACC is a replacement for manned craft, that can be deployed on station for up to a month without human interaction or oversight.
Well armored to protect against light weapons fire, the drone can use it's superior agility, to evade multiple attacks, while still retaining a surprising amount of acceleration to close with enemy targets, or evade enemy intercept if needed.
When employed against fighters it's extremely small size gives it an advantage in close combat maneuvers that somewhat make up for it's lack of piloting software. In addition many capital ships find targeting such a small agile object extremely difficult, which is only compounded when the drone can close to close combat ranges.
The relative low cost of the drone compared to larger manned craft, makes it easier to deploy in large numbers while taking up less space on a carrier vessel. A stripped down remote operations only version can be purchased making the package even more cost effective by reducing the need for advanced computers and software which makes up the bulk of the drones cost.
These "stripped" models require a skilled operator, and are less effective at great distances from their carrier vessel. But if launched by ships capable of surviving at shorter ranges in combat. However remote drones can provide a great deal of capability in a small package. Allowing properly equipped and crewed control carriers to swarm an enemy force with a swarm of expendable drones, or surround itself with a wall of mobile point defense units.
Performance, and Operation
The small craft is optimized for space combat but can operate, if in a clumsy manner within atmospheres if required.this allows it to be operated as a point defense fighter for colonies, star ports, and other facilities. It's high powered gravitic thrusters alone allow it to reach orbit within five minutes. using it's high powered plasma ramjet/rocket thrusters allow it to reach orbit much fast at the expense of burning a portion of its limited reaction mass.
The extremely powerful drives of the combat drone allow it to close rapidly, reducing it's exposure to missile fire, or simply outrunning pursuit. the speed of the drones can cause ships with limited point defense weapons to be overran before it can significantly reduce the number of drones attacking it. Putting starships at a significant disadvantage when trying to engage the drone swarm in close combat.
Once deployed an autonomous drone can be operated remotely if desired, or can engage in many combat, or patrol unctions with acceptable effectiveness. The limited bandwidth often restricts it's maneuvering in difficult situation, since most of it's software and processing power is dedicated to sensors, and fire control operations.
Many purchasers spend extra on enhanced piloting software, allowing the drone to switch from gunnery, to maneuver modes by altering it's software configuration as needed.
The drone can be purchased in several models, Basic missile and laser armed models for most common tasks. And versions with enhanced computers and software for more vital tasks such as fighter suppression, and point defense operations.
Type L
Armed with an enhanced laser with greater penetration, and more consistent yield the L-type is optimized for point defense operations. it's enhanced software allowing it to engage missiles directed at itself, or nearby vessels and craft.
Type M
The type M is a dedicated strike/fighter suppression drone with enhanced software to allow it to engage targets with greater success. it has a shorter reserve of fuel than the standard laser armed model, but the enhanced accuracy of it's missiles, and ability to engage at stand off ranges reduce the impact of it's reduced endurance.
Type R "Raven"
A highly advanced model Type-R "Raven" is equipped with high powered sensors, electronic countermeasures, and a software package that allows it to conduct missile suppression protocols automatically when it detects a missile launch at long range.
The Raven sacrifices speed, and armor to pack advanced electronics into its small hull. giving it the ability to greatly enhance the electronic warfare capabilities of any force it is assigned to. The lower speed does prove problematic at times forcing tactics to be adjusted to allow the Raven to maintain it's position relative to its carrier vessel, or the formation it is assigned to escort and provide electronic warfare support for.

I included multiple build variations on the base hull, ranging fro the dirt cheap, throw away drone, to a top of the line EW drone.
it's a multi-vector thrust capable drone. with high powered Boosters to give it extra acceleration and bone crushing acceleration. Used a non-gravity hull since no one is aboard it and most vehicles can handle a ton of gee forces without coming apart...people...not so much.
It's pretty easy to outfly and outfight, but intended as a swarm style fighter depending on numbers to offset the skill of a human pilot.
and nope, it won't be fighting in any atmosphere at any's not designed for that
looking for feeedback and comments on design ( game mechanics) and art...
Remote Operated drone"Stripped"
Base Model(laser)
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6/16
1.5 Trust Hours reaction fuel
Sensors Military Grade

Computer: Rating 5
Virtual Crew/0
Mcr 19.533
Sensors: +1
Attack: +2( Pulse laser Modifier included)
Mcr 5.598
Note: Referee may require one sensor operator station per drone aboard carrier vessel
Stripped versions of all drones available reducing cost of drones by removing software packages and installing a basic rating 5 computer.
Autonomous Fighter Drone
Base Model(laser)
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6/16
1.5 Trust Hours reaction fuel
Sensors Military Grade

Computer: Rating 20
Virtual Crew/0
Virtual Gunner/1
Fire Control/1
Mcr 19.533
Sensors: +1
Attack: +4( Pulse laser Modifier included)
Missile Version
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6/16
0.5 Trust Hours reaction fuel
Sensors Military Grade
Weapons:Missile rack, 1 ton ammo
Sensors: +1
Attack: +2
Computer: Rating 20
Virtual Crew/0
Virtual Gunner/1
Fire Control/1
Mcr 19.383
Model-L (Enhanced computer laser armed)
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6/16
1.5 Trust Hours reaction fuel
Sensors Military Grade

Sensors: +1
Attack: +4( Pulse laser Modifier included)
point defense attack for any allied vessel/craft within close range
( +4 bonus due to bandwidth limitations)
Computer: Rating 30
Virtual Crew/0
Virtual Gunner/1
Fire Control/1*
point defense/1*
( both can not be active at same time)
Mcr 33,9687
Sensors: +1
Attack: +4( Pulse laser Modifier included)
point defense attack for any allied vessel/craft within close range
Model M(Enhanced Computer Missile Armed)
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6/16
0.5 Trust Hours reaction fuel
Sensors Military Grade
Weapons:Missile rack, 1 ton ammo
Computer: Rating 20
Virtual Crew/0
Virtual Gunner/1
Launch Solution/2
Fire Control/1
Sensors: +1
Attack: +3
Sensors: +1
Attack: +4( launch solution Modifier included)
Mcr 29,8187
Recon "Raven" Model
Hull: 4
Thrust: 6
Sensors: Improved
Enhanced Signals Processing

Computer: Rating 30
Virtual Crew/0
Virtual Gunner/1
Broad Spectrum EW
Mcr 53.55
Sensors: +5 (+9 to Jamming, Electronic warfare Checks)
Automatic EW against many missile salvo fired within long range of it's position
Attack: +1
Illustration:Model fQ-129 "Oscar"
A small agile combat craft small enough to be carried in a 10ton berth, or as cargo aboard commercial vessels. The ACC is a replacement for manned craft, that can be deployed on station for up to a month without human interaction or oversight.
Well armored to protect against light weapons fire, the drone can use it's superior agility, to evade multiple attacks, while still retaining a surprising amount of acceleration to close with enemy targets, or evade enemy intercept if needed.
When employed against fighters it's extremely small size gives it an advantage in close combat maneuvers that somewhat make up for it's lack of piloting software. In addition many capital ships find targeting such a small agile object extremely difficult, which is only compounded when the drone can close to close combat ranges.
The relative low cost of the drone compared to larger manned craft, makes it easier to deploy in large numbers while taking up less space on a carrier vessel. A stripped down remote operations only version can be purchased making the package even more cost effective by reducing the need for advanced computers and software which makes up the bulk of the drones cost.
These "stripped" models require a skilled operator, and are less effective at great distances from their carrier vessel. But if launched by ships capable of surviving at shorter ranges in combat. However remote drones can provide a great deal of capability in a small package. Allowing properly equipped and crewed control carriers to swarm an enemy force with a swarm of expendable drones, or surround itself with a wall of mobile point defense units.
Performance, and Operation
The small craft is optimized for space combat but can operate, if in a clumsy manner within atmospheres if required.this allows it to be operated as a point defense fighter for colonies, star ports, and other facilities. It's high powered gravitic thrusters alone allow it to reach orbit within five minutes. using it's high powered plasma ramjet/rocket thrusters allow it to reach orbit much fast at the expense of burning a portion of its limited reaction mass.
The extremely powerful drives of the combat drone allow it to close rapidly, reducing it's exposure to missile fire, or simply outrunning pursuit. the speed of the drones can cause ships with limited point defense weapons to be overran before it can significantly reduce the number of drones attacking it. Putting starships at a significant disadvantage when trying to engage the drone swarm in close combat.
Once deployed an autonomous drone can be operated remotely if desired, or can engage in many combat, or patrol unctions with acceptable effectiveness. The limited bandwidth often restricts it's maneuvering in difficult situation, since most of it's software and processing power is dedicated to sensors, and fire control operations.
Many purchasers spend extra on enhanced piloting software, allowing the drone to switch from gunnery, to maneuver modes by altering it's software configuration as needed.
The drone can be purchased in several models, Basic missile and laser armed models for most common tasks. And versions with enhanced computers and software for more vital tasks such as fighter suppression, and point defense operations.
Type L
Armed with an enhanced laser with greater penetration, and more consistent yield the L-type is optimized for point defense operations. it's enhanced software allowing it to engage missiles directed at itself, or nearby vessels and craft.
Type M
The type M is a dedicated strike/fighter suppression drone with enhanced software to allow it to engage targets with greater success. it has a shorter reserve of fuel than the standard laser armed model, but the enhanced accuracy of it's missiles, and ability to engage at stand off ranges reduce the impact of it's reduced endurance.
Type R "Raven"
A highly advanced model Type-R "Raven" is equipped with high powered sensors, electronic countermeasures, and a software package that allows it to conduct missile suppression protocols automatically when it detects a missile launch at long range.
The Raven sacrifices speed, and armor to pack advanced electronics into its small hull. giving it the ability to greatly enhance the electronic warfare capabilities of any force it is assigned to. The lower speed does prove problematic at times forcing tactics to be adjusted to allow the Raven to maintain it's position relative to its carrier vessel, or the formation it is assigned to escort and provide electronic warfare support for.