There's a blurb on page 10 that mentions 'Where do I come from', but there aren't any worlds or skills listed.
Does anyone know what happened?
Does anyone know what happened?
I just looked it all up.The blurb is in reference to picking your background skills (page 9) as they would relate to your home world. Building a backstory for your character that is believable.
Seriously though, there are several ways. And each of the versions has modified it. Even within a single version, it's been upgraded by subsequent expansions.If only there was a way to sumarise all the character learns during their formative years, you could even add to it if they learn new non-skill related stuff. during their career or even play.
I know - lets have a characteristic that defines this - we could call it Learning, or Knowledge, or education or something like that.
By the way the above is meant to be sarcastic humour and not aimed at anyone in particular, if it triggers anyone let me know and I will add one to my triggered snowflake tally. This is also a joke.
Some members of technical societies have electronic skills. Some members of mechanical societies have mechanical skills. Mostly, technology is designed so the unskilled can use it.Logical ones.
Technological societies are likely to have electronics skill(s).
Ghetto upbringing likely streetwise.
No-one is going to get near an Olympic team without DEX C and STR C and Athletics-1+ from package/connections. There are going to be literally thousands of people in the world who meet that criteria!18 year old Olympic class male gymnast - Edu 6, Soc 7, Str 9, Dex B, End 7, competition comes down to dice rolls.
Oddly the Planet of Hats came up in a feed for me this morning (URL goes to Fits this discussion well. And funny how things show up in my various newsfeeds.While I agree in not everyone in a World should have the sam backround skills, I'd instead forbid some due to homeworld. It's unlikely a 18 years old boy from a TL3 world can have learned electronics or computer, or someone from a very low pop to have learned streetwise of carousing.
I'd suggest no hard rule here, but only some logic to be used but, aside from those restrictions, I agree the background learning may be varied enough as not to assume most people in a world will have the same skills.