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Milieu -300,000: Grandfather's Children's Starships and Things


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award

Space is big, especially in Ancient times: ships had two orders of magnitude longer reach, and Yaskoydray's children had better things to do than keep track of all of their worlds and worlds of minions.

This probably means that starship crews themselves were (often? typically? usually?) cosmopolitan, and that space was, too. In any given star system there may have been a majority sophont, but there may have been no majority species beyond that scale. Droyne may have been more common than now, but humans were probably about as common as Vargr, Intelligent Tree Kraken, and some number of now-extinct sophonts.

The result: every star system is different, every population (even human) is different, and every shipyard is different. This is in some ways an extrapolation of the Ancients' own methods -- every Ancient did things his own way, without collaboration. While no shipyard works in a vacuum, it is still likely that there were no "Galactic Standards" -- designs varied more the further you got from home.

That said, ergonomics is one benefit of high tech. Adaptive life support, especially the high-tech variety, provides cooperation between species which otherwise would face environmental barriers. At higher TLs, ships supply crew and passengers with personal fields (e.g. shimmercubes fitted to suits or ordinary clothing) which negate the need for adaptive life support and replaces the vacc suit for typical situations.

Bulk Freighter FB-KP11 (TL25) Dirsibelex MCr365.4

Owner: Ancient

Built for long-haul freight, but also with some passenger staterooms for VIPs. Typically, it carries about 700 tons of cargo, but it can be refitted for "reassignment groups" to carry up to 1500 personnel in low berths to a remote site to be populated.

This ship's computer is capable of performing all the normal functions of a crew, even in difficult circumstances. However, the crew is retained and used anyway, because the computer is less likely to work its way out of dire circumstances. Granted, that crew may have positronic brains, or have transplanted clone brains, or be "pure strain", or (most likely) some mix of all of the above.

   Tons     Component                                MCr    Notes
-------     -----------------------------------    -----    --------------------
   1000     Planetoid Hull, lifters10 a/l free        10    P, lifters10 a/l free
     10     Landing legs with pads                    10    
      0     AV=20. 1 Kinetic FeN                       0    
    9.9     Adv Skip Drive-1 (E)                      60    S 1
   19.8     Adv Collector-1 (E)                       30    1 C
    9.9     Adv Hop Drive-1 (E)                       30    H 1
  11.55     Adv Anti-Matter-1 (E)                     70    1 A
    9.9     Adv Jump Drive-1 (E)                      30    J 1
   2.97     Adv Maneuver Drive-1 (E)                  18    1 G
      1     10x AM Fuel Slugs (100)                    6    #10 100 slugs
      4     4x Vd T1 Pulse Laser                       2    #4 
      3     3x Vd T1 Sandcaster                      0.9    #3 
      3     3x Vd T1 Stasis                         15.6    #3 
      2     Bo Stasis Globe                           11    
      6     Computer Model/6 std                      39    
      2     Life Support Long Term                     2    40 person-months
      1     Life Support Adaptable                     1    10 sophonts
      1     Life Support Luxury                        1    10 high passengers
    0.5     Med Console                              0.5    
      1     Medical Low Berth                        0.5    
      2     Counsellor                               0.2    
      8     2x Squad Barracks                        0.4    #2 (5) R1 R1 R2 R2 R3
      3     Cramped Bridge                           0.8    2cc 4op 0ws
     12     2x Officer Suite                         0.8    #2 fresher + safe
      8     4x Crew Stateroom                        0.4    #4 1 crew
    0.5     Crew Shared Fresher                      0.5    4 crew
      8     2x Crew Commons                            0    #2 
     50     100x Low Berth                            10    #100 1 passenger
    700     Cargo Hold Basic                           0    
      8     Lab                                        8    Sophisticated equipment
     48     8x Luxury Stateroom                      3.2    #8 1 passenger + fresher
     32     16x Standard Stateroom                   1.6    #16 1 passenger
      2     2x Common Fresher                          2    #2 10 passengers
     20     5x Passenger Commons                       0    #5
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TL23 Battle Dress

(Once we get this far up, I think we have to start adding stuff to existing armor designs. For example, personal white globes in backpack generators, or some of the various shimmercubes.)

Code: ADCD-23
Name: Advanced Disposable Combat Env Dress-23
Mass: 72 kg
AV: 68
MgT: 22
EMCage: 29
Flashproof: 35
Radproof: 35
Soundproof: 35
Psishield: 3
Insulated: 65
Sealed: 35

Cost: KCr 240
Fusion Rifles

Nice and gentle... not sure if ordinary battledress could carry this, though.

Code : AVhTFRT-21
Name : Adv Vh Ti *Fusion Rifle Turret-21
Range : 6
Damage: (45D) Bullet-27 Pen-6 Burn-12
MgT R : to 25 km
MgT D : 8D+3
Mass : 410 kg
Burden: 2
Cost : Cr 750,000

Lower tech but more portable:

Code : AVhFRMP-19
Name : Adv Vh *Fusion Rifle Man Portable-19
Range : 5
Damage: (15D) Bullet-9 Pen-2 Burn-4
MgT R : Distant
MgT D : 5D+2
Mass : 15.36 kg
Burden: 2
Cost : Cr 250,000

A special, lightweight ("disposable") fusion rifle.

Code : ADFPj-26
Name : Adv Disp *Fusion Projector-26
Range : 4
Damage: (9D) Pen-5 Burn-4
MgT R : VLong
MgT D : 4D+2
Mass : 0.86 kg
Burden: -3
Cost : Cr 15,000
Grav Speeder-19

Again, there are considerations I haven't made, such as add-on defenses and sensors to upgrade the technology. But here's the base model. Speed 12 is hypersonic.

type: AltArmored Advanced Hv Grav Recon Carrier
TL: 19
q: 0
vol: 6
spd: 12
ld: 2
AV: 140 {ca:30, fp:40, rp:40, sp:70, ps:0, in:50, se:50}
KCr: 5620
Personal White Globe

At TL26, the Personal White Globe is a backpack generator that projects a field a few cm around the sophont. A small environmental unit maintains a specific environment inside this field. Thus it operates as a life support device, a vacc suit, and a means of interaction with a highly cosmopolitan crew on a starship.
Stasis Option

By TL27, low, medical, and emergency berths, barracks, the frozen watch, and staterooms come with a Stasis Option. This allows (for example) ship's troops and gunners to be fresh, alert, and ready at a moment's notice. It also allows passengers to effectively ignore time in transit, assuming they have no work that can be done in the meantime.