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Military Calculator

Vandeet's Military Calculator

A new addition to my website. A military assets calculator for a given planet using the UPP or UWP.

Gives both quantity and quality of units. Useful for stryker scenarios, but also the gnp and military calculations can help point out a sectors stronger systems.
Also calculates the GNP which now that I think about it - should be the GPP (gross planetary product).

Critiques/suggestions welcome.
The CIA World Factbook is probably a much better source than Wikipedia for information on any country's data. You can download if from the CIA website.
Nice work.

Just one odd detail.

If I insert as UPP A767754-F, result is GNP per capita is: 13996.8 (rest of the parameters vary according with exact pop).

If this same UWP is writen without the dash (so A767754 F), result is GNP per capita is: 55987.2 (again, rest of the parameters vary according with exact pop).

Another point: is there any way to insert with the UPP the PPG (pop multiplier, planetoid belts, gas giants)?

Yet another: Most of the results when there are space forces, there uses to be more battle cruisers tan Destroyers, Frigates or corvtes (as a rule of thumb, I see as many battle cruisers as destroyers, frigates and corvettes toguether). it seems to me a little odd (but maybe I'm wrong). EDIT: That does not happen if pop is raised to 8+, when the most numerous group (SDB aside) use to be frigates and Battlecruisers' numbers use to be slightly under destroyers'.

So, at pop 7, order (by numbers) of ships use to be: BC, SDB, FFL, FF, DD, CV; while at pop 8+ it uses to be: SDB, FF, FFL, DD, BC, CV.

And also, GNP (shouldn't it be GWP, BTW?) doesn't seem to vary with TL (but it does with starport class), to the point that a TL4 planet has the same GNP (and space forces!!!) than a TL 15 one...
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Re: Miilitary Calculator

UPP dash: Yes it is expecting a dash. Once it see's a space in the input, it stops scanning the input. If any values are missing from the input value it substitutes a number so that it can keep on executing. I didn't want to spend a lot of time with error handling I can see about placing a note or an example on the page so it is clear that it is expecting a dash for UPP.

Pop multiplier: I can see the value in adding this. If a planet has already been created for a scenario and the population multiplier is already known then it makes sense to allow the user to input it. So I will see about adding this to the next feature. I don't know if gas giants or planetary belts add much value to either the planets GNP or the military. So I am thinking that unless someone can convince me otherwise to leave those out.

Ship Types: I was going off the assumption that there would be less capital ships and more of the smaller corvettes, frigates, etc. I looked at navies around the world and based the calculations on those numbers. I can see the point that a rich economy would have less of the smaller ships - but even the rich economies have that pyramid shaped Order of Battle with fewer capital ships at the top - but still have a higher number of destroyers and frigates. I would have to be convinced to change this.

GNP: Yeah I think I will rename this. GPP (gross planetary product) GWP (Global World Product) or something similar. So this would be another minor change for the next version.

CIA factbook - yeah good idea - and your right it probably more accurate. If I delve deep into this again then that would be my basis for the numbers.
UPP dash: Yes it is expecting a dash. Once it see's a space in the input, it stops scanning the input. If any values are missing from the input value it substitutes a number so that it can keep on executing. I didn't want to spend a lot of time with error handling I can see about placing a note or an example on the page so it is clear that it is expecting a dash for UPP.

The problema is that if you introduce a dash, it is readed (for what I've seen) as a 0.

SO, the GWP (per capita) Ifind in the UWP told above, according to how I write it is:
  1. A767754-F (with dash): 13966.8
  2. A767754 F (wihtout dash): 55987.2
  3. A767754F (without neither dash nor space): 55987.2 (same as option 2)

As per TL effects, it only appears if using option 3, as if using option 1 or 2 it does not vary according TL (not even star fleet, taht is none if using option 1 and the same regarldess TL if using option 2). If using option 3, there is TL variation on per capita GWP up to TL A (there's no variation over TL A).

So variation as various TLs (by using option 3) is:
  • A7677540: per capita GWP is 13996.8 (BTW; same as if using a dash, so I guess it reads dash as 0). No space forces. Mech units are mounted.
  • A7677544: per capita GWP is 32659.2. No space forces. Mech units are armored (quite early, IMHO, as TL 4, IIRC represents more or less Victorian age).
  • A7677547: per capita GWP is 46656. Space (only corvettes and SDB, so I guess not interstellar) forces. Mech units are armored.
  • A7677548: per capita GWP is 46656. Full space and interstellar (again quite early IMHO, as jump drive appears at TL 9) forces. Mech units are armored.
  • A767754A: per capita GWP is 55987.2. Full space and interstellar forces. Mech units are armored.

Pop multiplier: I can see the value in adding this. If a planet has already been created for a scenario and the population multiplier is already known then it makes sense to allow the user to input it. So I will see about adding this to the next feature. I don't know if gas giants or planetary belts add much value to either the planets GNP or the military. So I am thinking that unless someone can convince me otherwise to leave those out.

You're right probably only Pop multiplier can have efect

Ship Types: I was going off the assumption that there would be less capital ships and more of the smaller corvettes, frigates, etc. I looked at navies around the world and based the calculations on those numbers. I can see the point that a rich economy would have less of the smaller ships - but even the rich economies have that pyramid shaped Order of Battle with fewer capital ships at the top - but still have a higher number of destroyers and frigates. I would have to be convinced to change this.

I agree with your assumption, and that's why I found odd that a planet with pop digit (not multiplier) of 7 does not follow this pattern (and only when pop digit is 7, as other pop digits do), BC being the most numerous class in this case.

GNP: Yeah I think I will rename this. GPP (gross planetary product) GWP (Global World Product) or something similar. So this would be another minor change for the next version.

In any case, this is a minor (and mainly color) detail, and I guess the easier to fix of all.