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Mindjammer Traveller


Downloaded my kickstarter copy today and just a brief flick through looks pretty awesome.

A real change from the Imperium and the pseudo 3I settings that have been around for a while. The setting has a mountain of detail to absorb, much of it lifted from the Fate version that I have but never got into. Some good ideas reminiscent of the Revelation Space type sci-fi it intends to replicate.

Design sequences for ships and worlds are a great help to match the setting, particularly if you only have MGT2 core rules.

Production quality is good as a PDF and I'm sure will be as good as in hard copy in a few weeks. Some new art and layout changes from the Fate version. I'm looking forward to reading through thoroughly and feel energized already with some new ideas flowing.

I'd recommend it to everyone if you want a fresh setting that Traveller has so far not really addressed effectively.
I cannot wait until it's available to purchase. Between that and Orbital 2100 I'll pretty much have the Traveller I've always wanted.
I know what you mean.
I got the Fate version a while ago so I could mine it for transhumanist ideas and for TL16+ tech.
This new Mongoose Traveller 2e powered version is even better because the work is done for me.
Got my download yesterday too and I am thoroughly impressed by it.

Likewise! I have a great deal of respect for the decades of work and play that has gone into the existing setting(s) and am glad they will remain in play for a long time, but I think this is the sort of facelift that Traveller has needed for a long time.
At the risk of making a completely heretical statement - I agree, Traveller has long needed a comprehensive re-boot. By which I do not mean MgT re-imaging existing canon for the 1105 setting - the CT 3I has been done, one the one hand by CT material and on the other by GT.
MgT now has a setting worth of the rules set, and the more I read of the adventures and supplements for Mindjammer the more I want to see the T5 galaxiad setting.
Woot! The Mindjammer Traveller setting book and pdf go on general sale today (Modiphius web store for book, DTRPG for pdf).
Bought it yesterday. Very, very, nice. The transhumanism is more sensible than the "I want to be a pretty, pretty butterfly" of Eclipse Phase.
Can folks who have the book talk about the contents? I know it requires the MgT rules. What is contained in MJTraveller? How does it integrate into the MgT rules?
I think it would be more accurate to say how it extends or breaks base MgT.

Memes and Restrictions are a good start. Memes essentially reward for roleplaying according to a type or if you are cynical pigeonhole. The Restrictions are the typical balances for some other advantage you acquire during chargen or in play.
During character generation, you must select 3 memes, the cultural imperatives of the Interstellar Society your homeworld belongs to. If you act in accordance with a Meme and there is a die roll, you get a Boon (Traveller Core Rules p59). If you are not in accordance, you get a Bane. Each is a quick phrase. The examples from Mindjammer:

A character with the Synthetics Are Monstrous meme gains a Boon on all combat checks against synthetic opponents, and all checks to persuade others to shun, oppose, or fight a particular synthetic or indeed all synthetics. The same character incurs a Bane on all checks to engage in commercial or diplomatic negotiations with a synthetic, or to help a synthetic perform a task.
Likewise, a character with the Violence Against Sentient Beings Is Morally Wrong meme gains a Boon on any checks to help negotiate peace or otherwise peacefully resolve a violent or potentially violent conflict, but incurs a Bane on any checks to incite or perform violence, including all checks to attack other sentient beings.
I always liked the background of Eclipse Phase. Guess I'm not familiar enough to understand the butterfly reference.
The implied, perhaps not actual, rampant morph-swapping. In some cases the morphs are silly, appealing purely to vanity. Caterpillar to Butterfly...

By the standards of that game, I would favor the Bio-Conservative meme.
Longevity Packages
Anagathics are safe in MjT and since MgT2 allows you to stay in a career as long as you can....

If your Culture (RIP Ian M Banks) allows Longevity make the roll, age 50 years, give yourself 8 skill pts (some may be stats), get a minsdcape implant, get 250KCr of equipment, get an ally or contact or organization or +1 rank, keep on trucking.
Skill levels cap during character generation at 6 + 1 per full 100 years of age. There are recommendations to keep your age low, but not required (unlike memes).

Oh, and take a Longevity Restriction, you crazy oldster, like Existential Boredom or others. They impact roleplaying and/or dice rolls. They come in three levels but going for a second higher restriction and you must abide by the lower restriction as well...
Existential Boredom
You feel old, and like you’ve seen everything before. New events remind you of old ones, and your mind wanders easily.
1. Routine and detail-oriented tasks bore you silly, and you try to avoid them. Unless something important is dependent on you accomplishing the task to the best of your ability, you’ll do a rush job (incidentally also decreasing the timeframe increment by one).

I will say this though: :coffeesip: :CoW: a referee should not let a player of the game have the Disregard For Others Lives longevity restriction. Hilarity will ensue unless you allow excessive use of weapons :eek:o: :rofl:
The implied, perhaps not actual, rampant morph-swapping. In some cases the morphs are silly, appealing purely to vanity. Caterpillar to Butterfly...

By the standards of that game, I would favor the Bio-Conservative meme.

Like the Jovians? I always liked those guys :)

As for MJT, from what I've seen of it, it looks to be less than half Traveller.
I picked it up this week for the system generation stuff... which I'll discuss elsewhere (and is awesome). But I did mess around with character generation. Not sure I did it right... no examples and inconsistent directions kinda sent me all over.

I like the game and the setting. But it doesn't translate well into Traveller mechanics. Which is too bad because it has some great stuff. I should say that the power levels are not well supported by Traveller's mechanics. Because they did a good job of porting them over, it just makes the game really lopsided. That and for being "transhuman" the only really effect that is covered in significant detail is immortality. You can get Avatars but they're pretty much never addressed again so it's just kinda odd. I have a feeling that it worked better in FATE.

That being said, I managed to roll up a stupid Ship Sentience and a really cool human New Trader. I'm confused how an AI can roll up an Intelligence of 5... This would be one of those places where it just doesn't translate well.

And, can anyone tell if the +250,000cr Augmentation thing (from Longevity Packages) is a typo? Because, if you get one Longevity Package, you can pretty much buy the entire list of Augmentations.
I gotta ask, especially because of the day.

The Jovians, are they... jovial?

Canonically, they're pretty humorless, however there is a vocal minority of players who see them differently than the way in which they were written by the designers. Not sure if they would consider them jovial, though.;)