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Mixed Source NPCs


As I progress in my play, I have been digging through my old stuff to steal ideas, locations, NPCs from old games and products.

One thing I have noticed is the number of skill levels vary quite a bit between games (versions CT vs MT1e for example) for NPCs or pre-generated characters depending on the game. To be clear, I do not mean Levels 1-5 but rather some have four skills total of six levels while the next game has 10 skills and a total of 16 levels. Neither has a skill above level 3 though. Yet both are about the same age and number of terms.

So opinion question, do you think that is going to matter in the long run or not really for NPCs because of the role NPCs play?
I think it depends on what role each NPC will play.

If they’re just combat mooks the only things that matter are their str dex and end (for mgt 1&2 combat) and their gun combat/melee skills. Same if it’s just a broker or guard or whatever.

If it’s a fleshed out character I think it matters a bit more. Their sheets should match the system you use and I’m sure there’s some utility or methodology for swapping between different variations of traveller.
Skill bloat has been a thing since LBB4 hit the shelves, and not all careers were made equal with regards to skill acquisition.

MT had the rule of four and the special duty entry for basic character generation, while MgT most definitely suffers from skill bloat.

For NPCs I use a 4332 formation - four skills for term 1, etc.
Skill bloat has been a thing since LBB4 hit the shelves, and not all careers were made equal with regards to skill acquisition.

MT had the rule of four and the special duty entry for basic character generation, while MgT most definitely suffers from skill bloat.

For NPCs I use a 4332 formation - four skills for term 1, etc.
Given the only time I played CT was a short campaign two decades ago and I’ve mostly played and run MgT I’m probably a tad biased but I feel like the number of skills isn’t all that bad.

Obviously in MgT you’re not dying if you fail the survival roll so players are likely more willing to take chances and take more terms; but assuming players don’t have wild rolls and select tables to gain more levels rather than more skills you’ll probably start with around 8 skills usually related to a professional function (face, pilot, engineer, gun bunny etc etc), at least in my experience.

I know this is more than CT by a fair margin but it doesn’t feel like it’s suffering any major bloat esp compared to some games (*cough* GURPS *cough*) that I’ve played.
I think a good rule of thumb is drop skills one level down and retain cascade skills as is for later to CT, and give CT to later +1 skill plus an extra skill-0 per term, or service skill-0.
It depends on the role of the NPC. The Player Characters tend to be above average compared to the 'common NPC'.

If it's just a background NPC barely interacting with the Character(s), probably a mix of low or average skills.

A background NPC with an important interaction with the Characters might have a mix of low or average skills with 1 or 2 skills pertaining to their role being average or above average.

Skilled or Important NPC's might have few, if any, low skills, a number of average skills, and a few above average skills, maybe a skill or two in the expert range.

Recurring NPC's could be like any of the above, comparable to Player Characters, or even a little better to make the PC's think twice...

And don't forget to consider the effect of ability scores on skills.