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MJD question about the scope of Charted Space


SOC-14 5K
MJD you asked for questions...

Are we going to see an expansion of Charted Space in the directions of Coreward settlements from which the Zhodani were fleeing or any lost Rimward colonies of the Solomani?

How about events Trailing? It already has been mentioned something of Dominate but what of fragmentation of 2000 Worlds?

You also postulate that the virus has achieve some sort of sentience but talk about the breaching of the curtain? Is the virus still strongest around Core?

What is the fate of the humans there? Vampire Fleets went the wrong way in introducing cyborgs, imho. What about yours?

1248 and the Imperium sourcebook, why not have the two books act as foils against each other? The Light universe being concieved as the T20 Milieu 1000 3i sourcebook and the Dark Milieu 1248 giving players two radical but united universes to play in?
Umm, well then:

The 1248 milieu will be looking at some Coreward stuff, probbaly in one of the Grand Adventures.

The Dominate rules the 2000 worlds.

Virus is part of the Black Imperium's strucutre. It WAS powerful around core at the time of the opening & the War of the Grand Alliance.

I did consider combining 1248 and the Imperium book. Not sure if its doable thoough.
I must say the idea of combining both books with the slice of a grey zone being a short summation of the Rebellion, Hard Times and TNE MkI would be very appealing to me, at least.

The problem would naturally boil down to size, for something like this, it would have to be at least as long as THB. And, heck yes, I would be willing to Cnd$80 for it (with an upper limit of $90). But, would the average new player unfamiliar with Traveller and the Imperial Campaign pay that price?

Sadly, the answer would probably be: No. (but, I would be interested to hear the voices of Veterans and Newbies alike, on this issue)

Creating one book would eliminate the need for rival timelines and create the possibility of ending the canon wars, only to find themselves embroilled in the temporal canon wars...imagine trying to debate whether Project Chronos located at Research Station Omega was responsible for MT...you really don't want that problem do you, MJD? ;)
Originally posted by MJD:
[QB]The 1248 milieu will be looking at some Coreward stuff, probbaly in one of the Grand Adventures.
Interesting ... the Zhodani Core expeditions were always tantalising.

Originally posted by MJD:
[QB]The Dominate rules the 2000 worlds.
Ha! I've missed this tidbit before now, this is GREAT! Finally K'Kree one can love to hate, and hate to fight! Does it also cover the Hiver worlds?

Originally posted by MJD:
[QB]Virus is part of the Black Imperium's strucutre. It WAS powerful around core at the time of the opening & the War of the Grand Alliance.
I'm not sure I understand this bit, but then TNE's background always lost me ... there is a Black Imperium ruled by the Virus, but not by people?

Lastly, my own question:
Whatever happened to the Julian Protectorate in TNE? Does it still exist? Is it a bastion for good, dog-loving people?
I don't think I ever said who or what the Dominate was up to now. I'm sure someone will figure it out sooner or later.

There are large expanses of K'Kree space that are basically Wilds, and then there's the (somewhat dminished) Hive Federation, which is in a state of siege (the Hivers feel that way anyway), and thus generally staying in the bunkers but for the expeditions to places like the RC.

The Black Imperium is of course Lucan's Imperium after all those Virus ships got through with it.