The Elliott-Golan Task System
(that is,
Paul Elliott's Task System for CT modified and expanded by Omer Golan, who is, by coincidence, me)
2d6 roll required
Easy 4+
Average 8+
Formidable 12+
Extreme 16+
Hopeless 20+
DMs + relevent skill
+/- attribute derived bonus
+/- equipment derived midifier
+/- environmental/situational derived modifier
Attribute derived modifier is -1 if the attribute is less than the target number
of one difficulty level lower than the task's difficulty, -2 if the attribute is less than the target number of the second next lowest difficulty, +1 if the attribute is equal or greater than the target number
of the next difficulty and +2 if the attribute is equal or greater than the target number of the second next highest difficulty.
Each task has one relevant skill and one relevant attribute. Combat (whether personal, vehicle or naval) is based on tasks. Task system attribute DMs replace the LBB1/LBB4 favorable/minimal weapon DMs.
Tasks are listed in the following format:
SKILL (ATTRIBUTE, DIFFICULTY, TIME). For example, fixing minor damage to a vehicle is a Mechanical (DEX, Easy, 1hour) task. Time is ommited if the task is immidiate or takes a non-defined period of time - for example, hitting someone in combat with an autopistol is essentially a Pistol (DEX, Avarage) task ("Average" may be misleading, since modifiers such as range and visibility can make this task VERY difficult, or VERY easy to perform).
Contest of Characteristics: When two characters directly contest their raw abilities (such as in arm wrestling, running, swimming etc) with no relevant skill involved, each character rolls 2d6 and adds that to her relevant characteristic; the character with the highest total wins. If another characteristic is deemed relevant, and one character has that characteristic at a double level than the other character, she adds a +1 DM to her roll. For example, Telina (UPP 898765) arms wrestles (that is, contests in STR) with Constantine (UPP A6C568); Telina rolls 5 and Constantin rolls 2; Telina wins (5+8=13; 10+2=12; 13>12).
Contest of Skills: When two characters directly contest their skills (vehicle racing, gambling, trying to impress a noble with their programming skills and so on), each character rolls 2d6 and adds her relevant DMs (skill, attribute DMs etc) to it. Attribute DMs are calxculated as if the task is an Average (8) one. The character with the highest total wins. For example, Telina (UPP 898765, Air/Raft-1) races in an air/raft (that is, contests in the Air/Raft skill, which the referee rules to be a DEX-based task) against Constantine (UPP A6C568, Air/Raft-2); Telina rolls 6 and Constantine rolls 8; Telina recieves a +1 DM for having DEX of 9 (which is higher than 8), while Constantine recieves a -1 DM for having DEX of 6 (which is lower than 8). Constantine wins (8+2-1=9; 6+1+1=8; 9>8).
Opposed Task: When one character attempts to perform a task and another character tries to prevent her from doing so, first determine the Difficulty, and then roll 2d6 with the first character's skill and characteristic DMs (again, treat characteristic DMs as if the task has a difficulty of Average) as positive DMs and the opponent's skill and characteristic DMs as negative DMs; if the result is equal to or higher than the Target Number set by the Difficulty, the first character succeeds. For example, Telina (UPP 898765, Communications-2) tries to contact a ship in orbit by radio (Average (8) when being jammed; INT is relevant) while Constantine (UPP A6C568, Communications-1) tries to jam her transmission; Tellina rolls 5 and thus fails (5+2-1-1+1=6; 6<8).
My system and Psionics
Most psionic powers will automatically succeed once the psi points are invested; however, to succeed in penetrating a shield, an Opposed Task is required with a Difficulty of Average (8); instead of the skill/characteristic modifier, use the difference between the attackers' PSI attribute and the defender's one (Attacker-Defender=DM). An artificial shield gives a DM of -4 instead.
Unlike LBB3, I suggest that all telepathic powers may be able to penetrate shields (not only Assault); however, they still have to beat the shield.
A contest between two 'teeks' (i.e. 2 Telekenesis users pulling the same object in different directions) is resolved in the same manner.
Also, I suggest that psi users may be able to boost their apparent PSI attribute for the purpose of shielding/shield penetration (and for that purpose only) by expanding additional PSI points (one apparent PSI per point spent; influences one opposed check). So shielding could still be a tiring effort - especially if you're trying to block a very strong teep from taking a peep into your head.
My System and Combat
this thread.