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More Ship and Computer design questions


SOC-14 1K
Hello all,

apoc527 asked several interesting questions about the computers in the Ship Design Sequence (SDS) and the Standard Designs Table on p282. The following link "Ship's Computer and underpowered M-Drive questions" http://www.travellerrpg.com/cgi-bin/Trav/CotI/Discuss/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=40;t=000173 is what I hope answers most of the questions. However, there are a couple of related ones that I have not figured. The first question starts with the table on p263 and is:
What does the column header "Free CPU Output" mean?

My initial thought that this is all the CPUs available after all the components have had programs added. From the above question comes this one: How do you relate PP units to CPU units?

Can anyone help out here?