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CT Only: Most Efficient Ship Intermediate Conclusions

Why by-the-book Cr1000 per ton per jump pricing is broken:

The only ship that has costs of less than Cr1000/ton/jump at Jump-2 is the J-2, 5000Td TL-15 ship (3439 tons payload, cost per payload ton per jump-2: Cr826), because of its Z drives.

The next smaller most-efficient ship (J-2, 1000Td, TL-11, 635 tons payload) costs Cr1185 per payload ton at Jump-2. If unarmed, it's still Cr1165 per payload ton at Jump-2.

And, obviously, they're big enough to have trouble keeping their cargo holds full on every leg of a route using the rules as written.

Nothing at Jump-3 or above has costs below Cr1000/ton payload/Jump at max jump number.

So, rules as written, it looks like under LBB2, rules as written, the market for freight will be covered by Type A Free Traders and Type R Subsidized Merchants (ideally with Size B -- not C -- drives, and no lifeboat) as they are both profitable with full cargo holds at Jump-1. There will be no dedicated market for freight requiring Jump-2 or higher; instead, that will be carried as filler around speculative-trade cargo on Jump-2 ships.

Which means there just aren't going to be many commercial ships with more than Jump-1 capability, nor many bigger than 4-600Td, period.

Small-ship universe, right?

LBB5 might change this a bit (cheaper hulls, smaller Jump Drives, less powerplant fuel needed). I suspect Jump-2 might become profitable at higher TLs (15, and maybe 13-14 too) but the available freight tonnage is still going to limit ship sizes.
Which means there just aren't going to be many commercial ships with more than Jump-1 capability, nor many bigger than 4-600Td, period.
I suspect this is intentional to limit the scope of the typical campaign. Small ships have crew sizes ideal for an adventuring party. The Referee will not have to handle (and keep consistent) lots of NPC crew members.

The low jump number makes life more predictable for the Referee, you can see where the next jump or two will go and prepare accordingly.

If the players have high jump ships they can jump all over the map, making it a nightmare to prepare...

LBB5 might change this a bit (cheaper hulls, smaller Jump Drives, less powerplant fuel needed). I suspect Jump-2 might become profitable at higher TLs (15, and maybe 13-14 too) but the available freight tonnage is still going to limit ship sizes.
At this size, LBB5 can't compete with LBB2 standard hulls. Maybe at 400 Dton and TL15, it can be as good as LBB2?
I would think it would depend on what you mean by "salvage." On the one hand, there's stripping a wreck of its valuable bits and maybe cutting it up for scrap. On the other, it is trying to bring the wreck back to port and making it whole again. These are two very different things and would require two very different ships...
I suspect this is intentional to limit the scope of the typical campaign. Small ships have crew sizes ideal for an adventuring party. The Referee will not have to handle (and keep consistent) lots of NPC crew members.

The low jump number makes life more predictable for the Referee, you can see where the next jump or two will go and prepare accordingly.

If the players have high jump ships they can jump all over the map, making it a nightmare to prepare...
Makes sense. Especially back in the early '80s when you couldn't just refer to the Travellermap and Wiki for inspiration.

Even the 1800Td Leviathan class had only a 70Td cargo hold (and a whole fleet of small craft!), so players wouldn't run into the upper limits of the LBB2 trade rules...
At this size, LBB5 can't compete with LBB2 standard hulls. Maybe at 400 Dton and TL15, it can be as good as LBB2?
Ah, but try LBB5 drives in standard hulls! :D
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Standard hulls are not available in LBB5. If you want standard hulls you have to use the LBB2 system with LBB2 lettered drives.

It is perhaps not a very revolutionary or strange house rule to extend standard hulls to LBB5, but it is still a house rule...

Fair enough.

The by-the-book method (and it's probably not worth the expense) is to retrofit LBB5 drives after construction -- possibly without ever installing the LBB2 drives in the first place.
And at lower TLs, the power plant cost alone will make it prohibitively expensive.
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OT: I think I'll do up an optimized 100td trader using the MgT SRD as they have interesting price discounts for TL difference between ship yard and component TL... When finished I'll post on MgT forum
OT: I think I'll do up an optimized 100td trader using the MgT SRD as they have interesting price discounts for TL difference between ship yard and component TL... When finished I'll post on MgT forum

Should be interesting. I haven't even started in on MgT, and may not get around to it despite having the books.