Are you looking for animals in general, transport animals, or migrating ones?
For transport animals, 20 to 25 miles a day for any sustained movement, if you are thinking of horse or mule analogues, 30 miles or so for camels, 10 to 15 miles maximum for oxen-type. Wolseley's Soldier's Pocket Book has lots of information on that.
Elephants have been known to cover up to 40 miles in response to rains in another area triggering new growth.
A cheetah has terrific speed but is short on endurance, wild dogs are slower, but take turns running flat out in hot pursuit of game. Wolves do pretty well speed-wise and endurance-wise. Lions and tigers are closer to cheetahs, leopards prefer to ambush rather than chase.
Elands are larger than horses, but are rated by John Taylor, the African hunter at being able to cover long distances at what he calls a "swinging trot", maybe a fast walk?