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Movies which are PC adventures


SOC-14 1K
Classic or not so classic movies which are PC adventures:

1) Buckaroo Banzai- Across the 8th Dimension
2) Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man
3) Cowboy Bebop The movie
4) The Maltese Falcon
5) Red and Red 2

What others have given you inspiration?
The Riddick series.

Any of the recent Barbie movies. (Yeah, I've got two daughters. I was pleasantly surprised.)
I'll further endorse:

The Riddick series
Bucky Banzai
Red and Red 2
Harley and Marlboro
The Mummy

and add:

Alien & Aliens, I'd have mixed feelings about the rest of the series but could be convinced.
Predator 1 & 2
Escape from New York
Men in Black (even though it's not the sort of game I'd run)
The Thing (both versions, plus the recent prequel)
League of Extraordinary Genteleman
Van Helsing
Helsing (the anime)
2001 and 2010
The Abyss
Fifth Element
Event Horizon
Mad Max, et al
Total Recall (both of them, they're different genres)

The Host ... or at least one of the early scenes where the monster attacks a crowd of people. While everyone else is running away a fast food stand vendor and a tourist team up, look for improvised weapons, and attack it. (They must really want the XPs.)

Gamers 2 (Dorkness Rising) ... Duh!

Dungeons & Dragons 2 ... much better than the first movie

The Unnameable Returns ... having come up with a plan, consider the consequences before putting said plan in motion!

Disorganised Crime

Dog Soldiers

Mystery Men

Big Trouble In Little China

Galaxy Quest

Time Bandits
This reminded of a movie I saw on the late show when I was a kid called Moon Zero Two.

A space salvage expert and his partner become involved with a group of criminals intent on hijacking a small asteroid made of sapphire and crashing it into the moon for later recovery.

I remembered liking it. I wonder if I can find it somewhere.

This reminded of a movie I saw on the late show when I was a kid called Moon Zero Two.


I remembered liking it. I wonder if I can find it somewhere.

Now there's a blast from the past. I remember liking it at the time too (though I was quite young at the time). I see it is on Amazon.ca ... but looks like it might be cheaper on Amazon.com.
This reminded of a movie I saw on the late show when I was a kid called Moon Zero Two.

A space salvage expert and his partner become involved with a group of criminals intent on hijacking a small asteroid made of sapphire and crashing it into the moon for later recovery.

I remembered liking it. I wonder if I can find it somewhere.


Moon Zero Two was billed as the first moon western.

My addition to the list is the SF film Mission Stardust which was an adaptation of a Perry Rhodan novel.

Most of the Italian or German SF films of the 1960s are a good source too, the spacecraft were usually fantastic and the spacesuits surprisingly functional in appearance.

Quint; how would you administer 2001 as an adventure?

I can answer this one: In 1984 TSR put out a 2001 game module (and a 2010 game module) for the Star Frontiers RPG.

Somewhere buried in a storage crate I have the 2010 game module. It was fairly linear and required players take on the characters from the film. But there was enough source material that you could rewrite it for other characters and allow some deviation from the movie's plot line. The write-up for the 2001 module indicates three separate 'vignettes' ... African Veldt (4,000,000 BC), Clavius Base (AD 2001), and Jupiter System (AD 2004). So you'd have to have at least two separate sets of characters (or skip the first part). Even so it should be do-able given a competent Referee and a degree of cooperation from the players not to derail the story completely.
Very interesting. Thanks.

Two more here from the 1960's;
"First Men in the Moon"
"Journey to the Center of the Earth"

I think they were made by the same production company.