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Movies which are PC adventures

An extremely rare bit of anime from Animeigo (I still don't understand how they went out of business). The feature film came out in 1983, I saw it in 84 or 85 via VHS (bootleg). Two more installments came out in 1989 (6 years later) with two one-hour direct to video "episodes" of their adventures.

The following trailer is very poor. If you're into good action adventure anime, then this is a must have. Warning, the feature film is over two hours long, and there is no CGI in any of these films.

i thought i was the only person on earth who saw rock and rule.

for a film to use as an adventure i would put them through Event Horizon.

and Zulu.

And The Sand Pebbles.

Hmm, Zulu would be fun with a bunch of non-military types as players.

Why is it taking so long for the battery packs for the Laser carbines to charge. HERE THEY COME AGAIN!!!!!!!
for a film to use as an adventure i would put them through Event Horizon.

There is a Call of Cthulhu scifi scenario titled "The Icarus Project" that is very much like Event Horizon and could be easily adapted to Traveller. It was published in Worlds of Cthulhu Issue 2.
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The Usual Suspects-Kaiser Zosey uses the adventurers to fulfill a mission with a double cross.

Guns of Navarone-infiltrate and blow up a powered asteroid full of mega-weapons.

Die Hard-on the King Richard, only use multiple 'Roy's' cut off from each other-they have to communicate, cooperate and figure out how to foil the terrorists.

FireFox-steal a secret Zhodani 'Mind Ship'

Castle Keep-mercs have to defend a castle from TL 5-6 level forces.

Titanic/Poseiden Adventure/Wreck of the Mary Deere-just watch all three movies and substitue a very large freighter.

Das Boot...errr SDB-Hunt for the Red October Mothership

Miami Vice-anagathics

And a Spinward Main Grand Prix/Talladega Nights/Rush scenario
any of the "Dollars" movies, Traveller ends up on some Deep Range or Back Water colony with a Raider problem and a busted ship, his only way off-world is to Murder the Raiders then strip their ships for the parts he needs and maybe soak the locals for a bit of folding cash along the way.
Many years back (40?) I kept seeing the tail end of a Japanese science fiction film about a group of astronauts fighting a planet that was trying to kill them. Someone suggested it was "Angry Red Planet", but that was an American production shot in the early to mid 1950s, and the film is focused around the flashbacks of the women astronaut team member. This flm might have been shot in 1959, but more like it was a mid 1960's production, and it focused around a kind of fire team or platoon of astronauts that landed on the planet.

I wish I could remember the title.
Almost sounds like one in which two ships are sent each carrying big stretch lunar vehicle with the dish laser gun. They were hunting for an alien base from which saucers launched to attack Earth. One thing of note t identify it was one guy was under mental control of the aliens and stayed behind to destroy the ships until destruction of the base freed him.
Possibly. I don't actually remember that aspect of it, but those things may have well been in there. Do you recall if it a Japanese film?
It is indeed a japanese sci fi and I think I found it on my video shelve as part of the Toho Collection! It's called Battle in Outer Space (1960).