I have a codebase of my own that is quite mature, and features ranged combat (8 room max).
There are two currently running instances of it. My own, Aliens vs Predator: the MUD, avpmud.com (avpmud.com 4000), has been operating for over 9 years. The other, Raze The Dead at razethedead.net (avpmud.com 5000) is in early beta.
I'd be open to discussion about providing it for a Traveller oriented MUD, but I am very protective of it so there would be a custom licensing agreement with restrictions on access. You only need a single C++ programmer, if at all; a lot can be done in the scripting language itself (Raze the Dead has it's entire combat engine redone in the script language).
Of course, running a MUD is a lot of work... if you dont have a team of at LEAST 5 people committed to helping you get it off the ground, and a development plan with set dates, forget it. If you dont open within 6 months of starting development, it will never see the light of day.
On the other hand, I've also considered doing a sci fi game using Narya engine (Puzzle Pirates engine) in JAVA, but would need artists (and more spare time).