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My Traveller Guidebook Review


I've been looking through the new Traveller Guidebook, and I wanted to post some of my thoughts in case that helps who are considering purchasing it. I've had several people ask about it in another thread, so hopefully this may help them. If this isn't the right forum, just move it, delete it, or whatever.

The Intro section is good. Talks about core mechanics, DC and degrees of success. Pretty standard stuff but nice to see it spelled out!

The character creation steps are good. They walk you through the major parts of the process. A clear distinction is made between 1st level, and 2nd level using prior history. By the RAW (rules as written), "you are required to take 1 or more levels in the class corresponding to the career you were working in." This is a nice clarification and one of many that I've found that substantially aids character creation. There's a fast development option based on choosing a starting level.

I'm a big fan of the generating ability scores section. Covers high power attribute rolls and my favorite, the point buy option. We've already left the THB far behind in the level of detail required to successfully generate a character at this point.

Races section looks good and covers the favorites. All alien races appear to take an XP hit, but alien levels are out, and to good effect in my book. A dead level really hurts when you consider you've lost skill, BAB, saves, hit points, etc.

Homeworlds have their own nice section. They've been toned down to provide basic, stackable bonuses, as opposed to full skill points. I suspect we can blame people from desert and poor worlds for this change... 8) Spot, Forgery, Gather Info, Bluff could be added to any character using the THB with a little luck of the die.

Prior history is covered well I think. I do have some concerns about the flat skill packages educational options. I assume that these packages are subject to class/cross-class limitations, but this is never specifically covered (Max rank limit, etc.). Still, it's nice to see some more education options besides straight university. Also the new classes have equivalent employment options, which is awesome.

The XP chart is included and the classes and levels section really clears up a few issues. First, there's a good example of a character who has classes as a flyer, rogue, merchant, and traveller. Also the classes you can acquire from university training are specifically covered. I would have liked to see the example from the playtest files however, since that example character covered university attendance. Still, with the list of classes spelled out for University xp, and the explicit character creation steps a few chapters before, it's hard to go wrong. Character creation is much improved thanks to these clarifications.

There's a nice section on multiclassing and how to compute skills, feats, BAB, etc.

The new classes are good. Some are built for specific purposes it seems. The only one I think needed more juice was the Engineer. BAB +5 progression and 6 skill points hurts, even if his BAB progression is a bit earlier than most +5 classes. The class specific feats are good, but so situational that the don't offset the 6 skill points. Still, YMMV depending on feats. Corsair screams for Merchant, Navy, and Marines gunners to take one level and grab the feat Bushwhacking, and I'm probably going to be cyber-flogged for pointing it. One level next you +1 BAB, Brawling, Toughness, which is very tasty, assuming you can get it to fly. A good reason to hire that Vargr gunnery who wants to sign aboard…

The feat section is good and I'm glad to see things like crewmember instituted to show familiarity with starship operations. Enforcers , Corairs and Medics get a lot of love here, with powerful feats like SWAT (which is the prerequisite for certain feat which will remain nameless because it's so powerful, IMHO), Bushwhacking, and Meatball surgery.

Weapon permits are in the Guidebook, which I'm also glad to see. The equipment, weapons, and armor section has old and new deliciousness.

I'm reserving judgment on the combat sections, which I've not studied in depth yet.

The adventuring section is really useful. Living expenses, medical care, movement, etc. are all covered here. Remember, lava hurts!

Psionics rears it's ugly head toward the end. I'm skipping this section mostly because I hate psionics and everything about it! The Neo with a mullet illustration at the end of the section just confirms that the whole thing is wrong and evil. Lol 8)

Well, that's about it. Overall I think it's a very good product and well worth the price. I give it a 9/10. Errata could easily push that to 10/10 if just a few things were covered (how to resolve differences between the THB and this new product, how to handle skill packages when you bump up against class/cross class issues, etc.).
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Great review! Now all I have to do is wait until I get paid...

Anytime now...

Steady, steady...

Brother can you spare a RPG supplement? ;-)
What exactly do you mean? I believe this book overrides anything it contradicts from the THB.

Where does it say that at though? I couldn't find anything that makes that clear. It refers to the handbook in many places, but the reference always give the handbook greater authority (see Traveller Handbook for rules about xxxx). The What You Play covers that you use a Guidebook for players and the Ref should have the THB, but I think it would be nice to have a sentence or two stating where the Guidebook falls in the product line and how to handle differences between it and the THB.

It can't hurt to have a few lines about converting earlier THB characters to be compatible with the Guidebook. For example, what do I tell the guy who brings a THB created Vargr Merchant character from a Desert homeworld with maximum ranks in Spot to the table? Reallocate the skill points? Keep them but you don't allow them fund Spot any more? Create a new character? What if his XP doesn't add up compared to the Vargr standing next to him? Even a sentence clarifying that it's the refs call and he/she should work it out with the player would be helpful.

Maybe its not a big issue, but it's always helpful to know what rule take precedence. I'll readily admit that I'm a recovering Star Fleet Battles player now. Lol
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Hurray, I've got mine now! It's very impressive. My main issue with the THB was that it implied some knowledge of D20 games. I went out and bought the D20 core book and found it really didn't add anything. The guidebook plugs those holes.

I was surprised that that the D20 'core book' was actually D&D and not generic. Why WOTC didn't have an open license generic core book and then individual modules depending on game, I don't know. I have to say, I find the D20 skills, feats etc and levels too needlessly complicated. One of the best things about chargen in CT was that skills were pretty much gained on the roll of a dice and there was very little 'choice' involved apart form picking a table. I'm hoping that T5 keeps that ethos. Having fewer and broader skills as in CT meant that the player had to use his brain to solve problems and not just roll a result for an individual skill that just happened to fit the problem at hand, so CT was less of a dice fest and more about problem solving and role playing which I particularly liked.

Nevertheless, I really do like the layout and design of the TGB, Bryan's artwork is stunning as usual. Full marks to the authors, artists and layout people. Definitely worth $15.
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Thanks for the review! Could you (and others) post a review at RPG.net and/or ENWorld?

On resolving difference between the THB and the TGB, go with the TGB. You shouldn't find to many differences, mostly just new stuff. References to the Handbook should just be for areas the Guidebook doesn't cover specifically. The Guidebook is the updated rules for characters, combat, psionics, and equipment. For everything else the Handbook covers it.