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NAFAL M-Drive (for real?)

IF it works in micro-g, it's one of the top 5 most important breakthroughs in tech.
IF it works in micro-g, it's one of the top 5 most important breakthroughs in tech.

Would require a monstrous amount of research to optimize the engineering for it though to understand the physics behind it properly so as to be able to get the engineering right.

Would require a monstrous amount of research to optimize the engineering for it though to understand the physics behind it properly so as to be able to get the engineering right.
One doesn't need to understand the physics to make use of and improve a device.
One merely needs to understand the engineering discovery process:
Vary ONE parameter, see if it's better or worse. Repeat.

It can produce very good designs...
such as the Norse Longships. They were an excellent design, not perfect in any of the important categories, but very good at sea, incredible in rivers, and having fallen by evolution into the long and thin, highly speed optimized pattern.

They had no understanding of the turbulence layer which optimizes for speed, and only a basic idea about displacement... but they did make a variety of variations, and could see which were better for which roles over the years. It lead to several designs...