Why do I believe only Grand Admirals should have the authority they do.
First,looking at the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries most of the land taken was pure junk. Most of these colonies were taken by military, colonial officers and even private individuals trying to advance their own personal interests. The resources spent defending them did not equal what was taken. Also these private adventures led to potential and actual conflict with other major powers.
Second,Napolean had his aide de camps ride with him during his battles. These senior officers would listen to his instructions and learn his intentions on how he wanted to conduct the battle.
They would then be dispatched to the differnt commands on the battlefield.They would assume command of a division,corp,or wing during the battle.Even taking command from generals that outranked them.These generals were not relieved of the responsebility for their units,but would follow the aide's orders.The aide would be in operational control until the battle was over or a new aide was sent. This was an early form of command and control and ensured the battle was conducted according to a single plan.
I believe the Emperor would desire a similar system.There would only be 100 Grand Admirals at most,all selected by the Emperor.
The Admirals would go though their regular career progessions of schools,field assignments,commands,Staff and War colleges.Then at the rank of Vice-Admiral they would start the selection process to include security checks,psi-scans,testing,wargaming.The Emperor would make his final choice,picking 0 to 5 each year.
Most Grand Admirals during peacetime would be on Captial going to briefings,wargaming,schools, or leave.The rest could be assigned to Operational Areas,going to and from assignments, and acting as a Super Inspector-General with the authority to see anything concerning the Imperial military and civil administration.
When deployed from Captial they would have a cruiser as their flag ship and an escort (all would be jump-6).On board would be his personal aides,a Vice-Admiral as his COS, an Operations Center for 24/7 operations, personal bodyguards in addition to other security troops,liasions from other services, and enough equipment to establish a mobile ground based HQ.
This ensures that the Imperial military would the war as a complete strategic plan and not in each commanders local interests.
First,looking at the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries most of the land taken was pure junk. Most of these colonies were taken by military, colonial officers and even private individuals trying to advance their own personal interests. The resources spent defending them did not equal what was taken. Also these private adventures led to potential and actual conflict with other major powers.
Second,Napolean had his aide de camps ride with him during his battles. These senior officers would listen to his instructions and learn his intentions on how he wanted to conduct the battle.
They would then be dispatched to the differnt commands on the battlefield.They would assume command of a division,corp,or wing during the battle.Even taking command from generals that outranked them.These generals were not relieved of the responsebility for their units,but would follow the aide's orders.The aide would be in operational control until the battle was over or a new aide was sent. This was an early form of command and control and ensured the battle was conducted according to a single plan.
I believe the Emperor would desire a similar system.There would only be 100 Grand Admirals at most,all selected by the Emperor.
The Admirals would go though their regular career progessions of schools,field assignments,commands,Staff and War colleges.Then at the rank of Vice-Admiral they would start the selection process to include security checks,psi-scans,testing,wargaming.The Emperor would make his final choice,picking 0 to 5 each year.
Most Grand Admirals during peacetime would be on Captial going to briefings,wargaming,schools, or leave.The rest could be assigned to Operational Areas,going to and from assignments, and acting as a Super Inspector-General with the authority to see anything concerning the Imperial military and civil administration.
When deployed from Captial they would have a cruiser as their flag ship and an escort (all would be jump-6).On board would be his personal aides,a Vice-Admiral as his COS, an Operations Center for 24/7 operations, personal bodyguards in addition to other security troops,liasions from other services, and enough equipment to establish a mobile ground based HQ.
This ensures that the Imperial military would the war as a complete strategic plan and not in each commanders local interests.