Part of the fun of the orgianl (classic) Traveller was the large number of classes that came out. I've been thumbing through my old collection of JTAS and Challange Magazines, looking at all the diffrent careers they came up wtih; Law Enforcement, Skyport Authority, Scientist, and so on. They were fun because you didn't have to use them if you didn't want to, but they were there if you did. The only things that were "canon" in the campagin were the things the referee said were canon. Good Traveller campaigns are still run this way
I know when I find the time I will come up with these classes by myself. I remember back when Mercenary first came out for Traveller (Yeah, I'm that old), within a few weeks a friend and I had come up with over a dozen new careers useing that format. Including Diplomats, Pirates, Espionage Agent, and even the Peace Corp.

I know when I find the time I will come up with these classes by myself. I remember back when Mercenary first came out for Traveller (Yeah, I'm that old), within a few weeks a friend and I had come up with over a dozen new careers useing that format. Including Diplomats, Pirates, Espionage Agent, and even the Peace Corp.