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Need some advice

I'd truly rather not. It's a done deal anyway.
Follow Up

I hope I don't scare anybody with this, but I wanted to follow up on this thread.

I quit the gaming the gaming group on more than one occasion, and now I've severed all connections with these people once and for all.

Again, I don't want to creep anybody out, but I gamed with two of the people mentioned in the following link; Hans Reiser and Sean Sturgeon;


I've never gamed with such, literally, crazy individuals before, and hope I never run into these people for the rest of my existence.



As a gamer and a self-professed geek, I've come across some pretty odd, screwed-up people. There's something about the subculture that attracts socially maladapted individuals, people with psychological disorders and outcasts. I have learned over the years to slowly back away, keep kind yet keep my distance. But those folks sound like they take it to a whole new level.
Wow Blue, that's quite a story! I've met with some odd sorts in my time but I can't say any have been so far off kilter. Unfortunately, eventually someone will associate the actions of these social deviants with the whole gaming community.

I know it's tough to say good bye to a gaming group, good ones are hard to find, but I wouldn't hesitate if the comfort level wasn't there.

Anyway, glad you're safely away from that bunch.
Thanks guys.

I truly and honestly appreciate the responses you've given. I had visions of my account being banned, and otherwise run-off or shunned on one of my all time favorite Bulletin Boards.

I'm far gone and away from that group. One guy worked for his family business, another was a laywer, another was a post-doc astronomer and so forth. We had some pretty professional people there, but there were a couple who gave me the creeps, and I'm glad to have gotten out of there.

I was told that after the trial thing broke that one of the guys had been kicked out. So I went back thinking everything was okay. Then another deadly and bizarre thing happened with of that guy's friends, and I jumped like a rat running from a sinking ship. I guess that's enough said. Thanks for the replies.