I thought that I had already posted this request once, but a search failed to find it.
Can anyone provide me with decent-sized sharp pictures of the Tukera and Akerut logos? By decent-sized I mean something like actual size (thumbnails are not detailed enough) and by sharp I mean that the black is really black and the white is really white, not a thousand shades of very dark grey and a thousand shades of really light grey (It's so I can change the color of a component with a simple fill command).
Can anyone provide me with decent-sized sharp pictures of the Tukera and Akerut logos? By decent-sized I mean something like actual size (thumbnails are not detailed enough) and by sharp I mean that the black is really black and the white is really white, not a thousand shades of very dark grey and a thousand shades of really light grey (It's so I can change the color of a component with a simple fill command).