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New Alternative TNE Weapons

The number of shots in a revolvers cylinder is based on the diameter of the cartridge case, cylinder wall thickness, material toughness, cartridge pressure, and of course diameter of the cylinder itself.

That's why identical revolvers in different calibers have diferent numbers of chambers. The Taurus line of revolvers in .22 Hornet (5.5mm) thru .454 Casull (11.6mm) range from 8 to 5 shots.

Ultimately, its not the number of shots, but hitting what you aim at that makes the difference, A revolver that is too heavy, hard to hold on target, recoils excessively, and has excessive muzzle blast wont do you much good. (Of course that didn't stop the .500 Smith and Wesson). Still some people just have to have the biggest whiz bang out there, it's a matter of prestige. (even if I can't stand shooting it).

"Honey, I'm heading to the gun store for a new .500 whizbang."

"Why do you need a new whizbang, you don't use the old whizbang you've got?"

"But honey, johnny got a whizbang, I need one too!"
I just watched Hellboy and it got me to thinking about this again, I think I'll write one up just because even if it isn't cannon, I'll just try to make it as 'right' as possible. Figure the diameter of the ammo, add a little for the spacing in the cylinder mulptiply by the number of shots in a cylinder and get a circumference, this would work well for any number of shots over say 5. I'll sit down and hack on it a while tonight, see what I come up with.
I designed a 3m Meson Lance (as the ceremonial weapons of a Dukes personal guard) using FF&S, but i think there was a design flaw. Still, they looked impressive, and scared the hell out of folk in TL 15 Heavy Battledress.
If anyone feels like playing with the idea, Remember 5D with no possibility of being stopped by armour is extremely lethal.

I while back, I designed under the TNE system a kinetic space combat missile using the standard .5 dt basic dimensions of a normal space missile.

From a 'simplistic' point of view the missile is nothing but a HUGE metallic slug Laser/Maser Remote Comms control with a short range sensor suite (for terminal attack) powered (propelled) by a Fusion Rocket. Effectively, they are similar to a self-propelled semi- “fire and forget” CPR bullet.

If my reading is correct, there is no upper acceleration limit for the Fusion Rocket. Therefore could _burn_ its entire fuel supply in a matter of minutes or extend the motor running time to hours (even days if required).

Either way, I did some calculations (both from FFS1 and from a physics background) in regards to sustained damage if one of this 'missiles' achieved a successful hit at near full speed. I had to recheck my figures because I almost fell off my seat at the results.

Basically, if one of these missiles was fired at say a Capitol Ship and say achieved a successful hit ... the Capitol Ship would not stand a chance. Similar in analogy to the movie 'Armageddon' of the impending asteroid impact. The Capitol Ship would suffer that size/ratio of damage.

Not nice.

I'm still not happy with the structural integrity of the missile based on the forces of extreme acceleration that is produced by the Power Plant. I feel that the missile would implode under its own forces of acceleration.... so I think that I have 'twisted' the figures slightly.

Anyone willing to comment on this is appreciated.

Well just had a fly by attack by the AHL class Cause Rampant and a Delsun Czarate missile cruiser against an old Solomani Superdreadnought.

The Dreadnought was just leaving orbit of the main world when the allies (the AHL and Delsun cruiser) emerged at 100D with a 25 hex vector towards the main world. The main world was at 54 hexes from the emergence point. Missile were launched at a range of 10 hexes meaning all would cover the distance to the target in less than 1 combat turn.

Sufficient missiles were fired to overwhelm the dreadnoughts point defence. With me so far?

The missiles were standard 500kt ND types so obviously no significant damage to the dreadnought would occur (apart from surface fixture scraping) from the X-ray lasers generated. Is this a situation where a kinetic kill missile would have been better? What about if the 500kt warhead detonated 10m from the hull? I have seen on Nick Bradbeers old site some stats for near explosions by much larger warheads, but what about the standards. Ant thoughts?
A while ago I calculated the demolition value of using a nuclear missile in contact with a ship's hull. Just assume the nukes yield is actual tons of TNT and calculate the demolition value using the rules in the TNE main rulebook.

A truely nasty thing to do would be to build a kinetic penetrator backed up with a nuke...
What I always envisioned was a Gun with multiple Type of ammo, Slug, Shot, Grenade, Rocket, Seeker, Discarding Sabot, Tracker, Flare, Smoke,
And so on. Want to do something different, Pop a new round in the revolver.
Originally posted by spank:
What I always envisioned was a Gun with multiple Type of ammo, Slug, Shot, Grenade, Rocket, Seeker, Discarding Sabot, Tracker, Flare, Smoke,
And so on. Want to do something different, Pop a new round in the revolver.
What, like a Lawmaker gun from the Judge Dredd comics? ;)
Something like THIS*, perhaps...

The Sandman Variable Load Slugthrower TL-15
The Sandman is a nasty piece of work, even by the standards of AI Mayhem R&D. Appearing as a standard large autopistol, the Sandman is equipped with submicroprocessing safety interlocks, which allow the weapon to recognize its registered owner. If an unauthorized person attempts to use the Sandman, the weapon will automatically ignite a thermal charge in the handgrip, cooking-off the remaining ammunition stored in the clip. The resulting explosion has been described as “mortifying”.
Early field-tests of the Sandman resulted in the modification of the safety interlock feature. In all production models, the weapon will now issue a verbal-warning to the user and institute an owner-preselected delay of 3-5 seconds before activating its self-destruct charge. AI is also accepting new applications for its field-testing division. Benefits, including major medical and death and dismemberment coverage come standard. There is no 90-day probationary period required for new members of the team.
The key to the Sandman’s success is a combination of versatility and lethality. Each magazine inserted into the Sandman contains a standard package of specialized ammo loads. Each magazine contains a processor which tracks the inventory of each load type, and displays an icon of which are ready for use on a thin snap-out display mounted on the side of the pistol. The user manually (or vocally, with the available headset-control option) selects the type of round desired, and the magazine shifts loads accordingly. The loads in each 10-round magazine include two of each of the following:

Tangleweb - this cartridge contains a small unltrafast-acting glue capsule which dissolves a short distance (1 meter) from the barrel of the weapon. The result is an expanding web of sticky filaments which will secure the target to almost any background object until a special solvent can be applied. The Tangleweb is accurate to within 15 meters. Outside of that range, its ballistics degrade rapidly to inefficiency and inaccuracy.

Shredder - this cartridge is filled with needles of industrial-grade manufactured diamond. Each cartridge contains about 40 of the 1/4 mm slivers, tightly packed into a spiral coil. The coil is bound by a small casing which disintegrates a short distance (1 meter) from the barrel, releasing the needles. The result is a rapidly expanding cloud of slivers which will penetrate almost any armor up to battle-dress. Even such re-inforced personal armor has been breached by at least one sliver in its less-protected joint coverings. Effective at short and medium ranges only.

Seeker - this load is a specialized gyro-jet powered munition. Its guidance package allows the round to home in on the thermal signature of its target. Its deployment is not effective at close or short ranges, but from medium to extreme range its guidance package is astonishingly accurate.

Tranq - this semistandard round comes in two varieties (loads are preselected by the user). The first is a skin-contact tranquilizer which requires the passage of a single combat round before the target becomes incapacitated. The second is a compressed-gas charge which releases its aerosol chemical once its casing disintegrates a short distance (1 meter) from the muzzle. The user must be certain to wear the required filters or become incapacitated upon respiration of the tranq load.

Piercer - This is a standard teflon-coated armor piercing round which comes in two varieties (loads are preselected by the user). The first is a 10mm Shredder round. The second is a non-guided HEAP package.

Other specialized munition loads are available upon request from any licensed AI Sandman distributer.

Users may elect to manually load special magazines by using the Munition Manager attachment. This handy, desktop-sized unit selects ammo types from inserted drums then loads and programs multiple magazines (up to five at one time) for use. If manual loads are not required, AI sells standard Sandman magazines at any of its retail and wholesale outlets.

*leeched quite heavily from the "Logan's Run" novel.
Cr*p. I KNEW I forgot something...
Worried about your missiles having too much acceleration? Design them like the small spacecraft that they are. Give them internal structure to withstand the forces they are expected to endure (which you should be doing anyway), and maybe give them armor for it too. The missiles in the book are NOT armored, but they aren't intended to carry people or survive against random dust collisions for very long.
Yes CLC lasers still require a focal array, the size of which can be modified by your rate of fire. The CLC basically replaced the power source for the laser.
I am sooooo very late on this, but...

Well just had a fly by attack by the AHL class Cause Rampant and a Delsun Czarate missile cruiser against an old Solomani Superdreadnought.

The Dreadnought was just leaving orbit of the main world when the allies (the AHL and Delsun cruiser) emerged at 100D with a 25 hex vector towards the main world. The main world was at 54 hexes from the emergence point. Missile were launched at a range of 10 hexes meaning all would cover the distance to the target in less than 1 combat turn.

Sufficient missiles were fired to overwhelm the dreadnoughts point defence. With me so far?

The missiles were standard 500kt ND types so obviously no significant damage to the dreadnought would occur (apart from surface fixture scraping) from the X-ray lasers generated. Is this a situation where a kinetic kill missile would have been better? What about if the 500kt warhead detonated 10m from the hull? I have seen on Nick Bradbeers old site some stats for near explosions by much larger warheads, but what about the standards. Ant thoughts?

Those Nuke-pumped lasers have a penetration of over 2000... is this an old superdreadnought in 5000AD ship of the line age, or, like 40 years old old? I did a design on a missile, same exact size as the others, to use as a standard missile vs the nuke-pumped laser model. It cost about Cr150k (instead of 2M), and I designed it as having 7 mini-warheads, so you still got close (same hex) and rolled a d6 to see how many hit. Each one did more damage, but had a penetration of, I think, 500 or so? It would do the trick for most ships you ran into, but would just splat on the heavily armored naval vessels.

I hope I wasn't too late to be helpful!
Those Nuke-pumped lasers have a penetration of over 2000... is this an old superdreadnought in 5000AD ship of the line age, or, like 40 years old old? I did a design on a missile, same exact size as the others, to use as a standard missile vs the nuke-pumped laser model. It cost about Cr150k (instead of 2M), and I designed it as having 7 mini-warheads, so you still got close (same hex) and rolled a d6 to see how many hit. Each one did more damage, but had a penetration of, I think, 500 or so? It would do the trick for most ships you ran into, but would just splat on the heavily armored naval vessels.

I hope I wasn't too late to be helpful!

They'd strip all the sensors off though.
The maximum penetration of a 500kg ND missile given its damage rating of 1/25-79 is 25*79 so 1975 penetration.

The Solomani Dreadnought was a TL14 Ultimate Victory class of 700,000 dt and hull armour of 2576 so no normal ND will penetrate this. Quite capable of hull scraping though.

The Ultimate Victory class were state of the art for the Solomani at the end of the first rim war, by the time of the second they were a little dated but TL14 still seems as far as I can tell, to be the high common Solomani TL with some TL15 equipment and as the 2nd Rim War progressed more of these would have been put back into first line service.

Details of the Ultimate Victory can be found at
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Now, here's a wish list: someone please design..

100, 200, 300 meter rail guns for spinal use.
use 10cm, 20cm 30cm cannisters.
Calculate how much "grapeshot" each cannister holds.
Figure damage for a kinetic strike using said weapon.