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New Deckplans: Spirit of Weston, a 1000 dTon Tukera Lines Long Liner


I've finished the deckplans for The Spirit of Weston, a 1000 dTon Tukera Lines Long Liner that appeared in the Traveller Adventure. The plans were prepared for the second Deckplans Contest.

The plans are available on my deckplans site in JPEG (screen) and PDF (print) formats:


--- Part of the ReadMe Appears Below ---

Ship Background & Description
After many years of service of the original Regina class Long Liner,
Tukera Lines commissioned several naval design firms to submit proposals
for an updated version of its Long Liner. The request for proposals
indicated that cargo access should be improved, particularly when landing
in more primitive situations, and that a larger common passenger area
should be provided.

One of the winning designs came from the Ling Standard Products design
team which met all of the requested specifications.

The first (and lowest) deck is the 130 dTon cargo deck. The main feature
of this deck is the roll on, roll off cargo deck. Cargos are typically
rolled on from the rear cargo catch and rolled off the forward cargo lock.
The forward cargo lock is generally used for both loading and unloading if
cargo needs to be loaded in a low pressure or hazardous atmosphere

The second deck is the passenger deck. The main feature of this deck is
the large passenger lounge with its floor to ceiling viewport. Panels can
be used to separate the passenger lounge into different rooms if desired.
The passenger area also includes a small spa area as an extra amenity.
There are 35 passenger staterooms on this deck, and all may be used for
high passage customers, though the rooms with view ports are generally
more coveted. A peculiar design deficiency arising from the original
Tukera specifications is that the emergency low berths can only hold 24
passengers (the so called "Titanic Specification").

The third deck is the bridge, crew, and engineering deck. This deck is
well isolated from the passenger deck. Also on this deck are four of the
5 turrets along with ceiling iris valve access to the 20 dTon launch and
the dorsally mounted fifth turret. There are 15 crew staterooms.
Depending on the number of stewards and gunners carried, some of the
staterooms may be double occupancy.

The fourth deck is primarily fuel, though a slot for the 20 dTon launch is
also on this level. Access to the launch is through a ceiling iris valve
on the third deck.

The ship can make a single 4 parsec jump, and has a 1G maneuver drive.
Fuel capacity is 440 dTons.

Ships are typically armed with triple combo turrets (pulse laser,
missile launcher, and sandcaster).

The main variant of the Spirit of Weston is a version that drops two
staterooms and replaces them with 6 more emergency low berths to get around
the so called "Titanic Specification."

There are rumors that Tukera Lines operates a Q ship version of the Spirit
of Weston class as an escort for other Long Liners. The Q ship version
mounts a 50 dTon particle accelerator bay or missile bay in the forward
part of the cargo deck. The passenger area is partly replaced by fuel
tanks and the remaining staterooms are used for crew and Tukera Lines
personnel only. On the bridge, crew, and engineering deck, the fuel tanks
are reduced, some of the staterooms are removed in order to make room for
a 4G maneuver drive, and a larger computer. The hull remains unarmored,
but the ship is externally no different than a regular Spirit of Weston
class Long Liner.
So I went and took a look.

Ron, this ship is only up to your usual standards.

That means it's very good! Thanks! :cool: