Generally I got the impression from the drones or dismounts target designating the targets for terminally guided indirect fire that that was your defensive fire against a direct attack by armor, for if a MBT can see you, you're already dead.
My take on the usage would be:
The VRF gauss in the cupola with computer control and computer linked sensors is your indirect fire defense, the hull mounted VRF gauss gun is your squad support along with the plasma gun for direct attack against dug in troops. the Mortar prepares the battlefield by destroying anti-vehicle weapon systems before you unmask from your cover.
Advise adding a chaff round along with the smoke, so you can defeat radar sensors. and one more item, defensive smoke and chaff launchers
Fan fiction snippet:
"The dismounts had been moving forward for hours carefully checking for any active sensors and monitoring for any transmissions, and were now in place 1.5 klicks from the enemy's front line, 10 klicks in front of us. The drones were aloft 10 klicks back of us and had been there hours and we had an impressive fire plan to neutralize the most dangerous of the spotted emplacements. we had inched forward using terrain to mask our approach, the belly armor plowing the ground in some cases. It was time to go, our tanks were 50 km back of us and were executing their popup maneuvers to start the ball, bright lines of plasma fire scorched their way across the 60 km to the enemy lines in a matter of instants, as our mortars went into their maximum cycle rate and we started moving still nap of the earth but rapidly increasing speed. The fire control computers were updating the fire plan as we moved and additional batteries unmasked to engage the tanks. The dismounts turned on their target designator lasers for the incoming mortars as we broke from nap of the earth and started servicing targets with our plasma guns.
We reentered NOE and landed near the dismounts and fired off the close defense smoke and chaff rounds, the target zone was a mass of smoke and chaff lit by plasma as remaining defenders fired blindly to try to convince us not to enter mk 1 eyeball range.
We had no intention of going in there, their quick reaction force would be heading to this area and it was time to go as the dismounts tumbled in we fired the last of the mortar chaff rounds set to airburst along our retreat path, then it was up and away at top speed weaving from one chaff ball to the next as we tried to avoid the fire from their tanks. we saw a few ruler straight lighting strikes from orbit hitting at their tanks as we disengaged. I guess that was the whole purpose of the attack, get them to unmask their tanks so our ortillary could kill a few, attrition, yes we took some losses as well, but come the day they have no mobile reserve left is when we go in to take and hold the lines."