Thank you
@Spinward Scout for posting your work.
My approach to PSI is a bit taken from the old D&D Mana point system. Of course, I designed it in the early 1980's, just before enlisting.
Using that, the Psion player has more freedom to use minor powers while still having a reserve of PSI remaining for "big asks" when the fertilizer hits the rotating arboreal oscillator
Next, I consider new talents by asking:
1) Are they outside the realms of the basic Psi talents (Like Pyrokinesis), which should be considered a "Special"
2) Or are they something akin to existing talent....
For example: "Mind Blast" is akin to Telepathy-Assault. Only, instead of a telepathic duel resulting in damage or death, this is the ability to draw on
one's Pisonic energy, pull it into a "mental ball" and blast a specific target.
Drawbacks would be the concentration needed "before the blast" in order to prepare for the attack
Also, releasing the blast also leads to a 3D6 roll against the attacker's PSI power, to see if the attacker collapses?
I have rated the ability for "Level 3": Confuse, "Level 6": Harm and "Level 9": Kill type attacks which use PSI based on which type of attack is made?
So, each new talent I have added to my PSI rules is vetted as above.
I've also mined series such as MZB's "Darkover" books for ideas on what talents might exist