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New Psionic Powers

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
Here are some new Psionic powers. I'm also posting a file, just in case someone wants to download them to print out. I'll update the file when I come up with more.

Communication between two Telepaths is easier. As long as both parties are Telepaths, the process of sending thoughts is easier, can last longer, and costs less. Both Telepaths must activate the power to communicate back and forth. Using a mental short-hand, this is much like talking over a distance. To send thought-images or complex concepts, the Telepath must still use Send Thoughts. A Psion with a telepathic Shield can decide to block MindSpeech.

Telepathy, Psionic Strength, 1-6 minutes, Average (+0)
Cost: 1+Range.

(This is the power Direction from T4 modified for MgT)
The ability to obtain the direction of an object or person sought. Sometimes known as dowsing or seeker sense. The character will only know the target’s general direction unless the target is at Close range. With exceptional success, the character knows the target’s exact location.

Clairvoyance, Psionic Strength, 1-6 seconds, Easy (+4).
Cost: 1+Range

Mind Wash
Virtually unknown outside of tight-knit telepathic groups, the power of Mind Wash gives a Telepath the ability to literally change a person’s mind, wiping the target's mind of past experiences. With this power, a Psion can Erase or Restore Memories of an Event, a learned Skill, Knowledge, or even memories of a Person the target knows, Implant False Memories, Impart or Eliminate a Mental Block, or Remove a Psychological Condition, such as Psychological Trauma.

Telepathy, Psionic Strength, 1-6 minutes, Formidable (-6)
Cost: 6+Range


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A couple more. And the attachment is updated.

The power of Suggestion can allow a Psion to plant a thought, idea, or command in a target's mind, convincing the target that the thought is their own. Increasing the Task Difficulty and Cost by one, the Suggestion can be delayed to happen at a later time. Suggestion can't be used against a Shielded mind.

Telepathy, Psionic Strength, 1-6 seconds, Difficult (-2)
Cost: 4+Range

With this power, a Psion can create vivid mental images in the mind of a target. The difficulty of the power use depends on the complexity of the mirage. Any damage caused by the illusion is not permanent, although by increasing the task difficulty by one, the target will feel psychosomatic pain. Mirage can't be used against a Shielded mind.

Difficult (-2)
- simple or minor changes to target's perceptions
- change the time on a wall clock, change what someone is eating from an AstroBurger to a Thrana worm

Very Difficult (-4)
- major or complex changes to target's perceptions
- change a room with one person into a crowded room

Formidable (-6)
- completely changes the target's perception of the environment
- change a starship bridge into a hot desert

Telepathy, Psionic Strength, 1-6 minutes, Difficulty listed above
Cost: 6+Range
Another. The attachment is updated.

Extend Life
Once per year, a very strong Psion can find a quiet, out-of-the-way place and concentrate their Psionic Strength on holding back and removing the effects of aging.
If the Psion is not interrupted and spends 1 point per hour, leaving the last hour for concentration only, and afterwards sleeps for 8 hours (a total of 24 hours), then the Psion reverses the effects of aging for one year.
With Exceptional Success, this power removes the previous year's effects of aging as well. If the Psion fails the roll, they cannot try again for another year.
This power emulates Yaskodray's Immortality (the Ancient Droyne known as Grandfather). It also emulates apparently ageless gurus and yogis going to the top of a mountain to meditate.

Awareness, Psi Strength, 24 hours, Formidable (-6)
Cost: 15
While I am not a fan of Psionics, I have been thinking about one power that would be interesting.

Not sure what you would call it, but the person using it could tap into the energy of the surrounding area, and either concentrate heat energy on a specific area or surface, or chill the area or surface by shifting heat away from it. Not Telekinesis per se, as you are not moving objects, just heat energy.

For example, you are caught in a blizzard with in your vehicle with inadequate clothing but have some wood. You put one layer of wood as a bed, and another layer on top as the material to be heated, and then heat the top wood layer to say 100 degrees and warm the interior of the vehicle up by tapping the heat from the surrounding area, which could be a radius of several hundred yards.

Similarly, you are caught in a vehicle in the middle of a desert, and the vehicle is getting very hot inside. You then shift the heat from the air inside of the vehicle and the vehicle body to the surrounding desert, warming the ground up slightly, but drastically cooling the vehicle.

Or your coffee is cold and you want to warm it up. Conversely, you really want to nice cold water and all you have is a very warm canteen-full. Warm one up and cool the other down. No energy is created or destroyed, just moved around.
While I am not a fan of Psionics, I have been thinking about one power that would be interesting.

Not sure what you would call it, but the person using it could tap into the energy of the surrounding area, and either concentrate heat energy on a specific area or surface, or chill the area or surface by shifting heat away from it. Not Telekinesis per se, as you are not moving objects, just heat energy.

Book 4: Psion calls that Thermokinesis. You can raise or lower the temperature of an object. You can just warm/chill something, or change the temperature enough to cause it to burst into flame or freeze solid.
While I am not a fan of Psionics, I have been thinking about one power that would be interesting.

Not sure what you would call it, but the person using it could tap into the energy of the surrounding area, and either concentrate heat energy on a specific area or surface, or chill the area or surface by shifting heat away from it. Not Telekinesis per se, as you are not moving objects, just heat energy.

For example, you are caught in a blizzard with in your vehicle with inadequate clothing but have some wood. You put one layer of wood as a bed, and another layer on top as the material to be heated, and then heat the top wood layer to say 100 degrees and warm the interior of the vehicle up by tapping the heat from the surrounding area, which could be a radius of several hundred yards.

Similarly, you are caught in a vehicle in the middle of a desert, and the vehicle is getting very hot inside. You then shift the heat from the air inside of the vehicle and the vehicle body to the surrounding desert, warming the ground up slightly, but drastically cooling the vehicle.

Or your coffee is cold and you want to warm it up. Conversely, you really want to nice cold water and all you have is a very warm canteen-full. Warm one up and cool the other down. No energy is created or destroyed, just moved around.

Thermokinesis, with the powers in question being Cryokinesis (move heat away) and pyrokinesis (move heat into).