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New Traveller Facebook group


There’s a new Facebook group for Traveller and sci-fi RPG enthusiasts.

It’s called Traveller RPG Headquarters and you can find it here:

We are a casual, friendly, laid-back community that is small but growing. The Admins are chill and publishers are welcome (we already have 2).

The purpose of the group is to support Traveller and sci-fi RPG gamers.

We do discussions, give-aways, and contests. We generally have fun.

Join us!
Is there a reason the existing Face Book Traveller group doesn't work? Not to say there should be another one, but what makes yours different?
It's just another group - we have a different community and different content creators.

You don't have to join it if you don't want to.

If you like active groups and friendly people then you're welcome to join us.
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Over 90 members now! Join us!

I have a $10 gift certificate to DriveThruRPG or ThinkGeek for member #100
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We are up to 386 members!

Great group of people, fun topics, active group.

I had no idea the group would grow so quickly.. thanks to everybody who has participated so far!
There’s a new Facebook group for Traveller and sci-fi RPG enthusiasts.

It’s called Traveller RPG Headquarters and you can find it here:

We are a casual, friendly, laid-back community that is small but growing. The Admins are chill and publishers are welcome (we already have 2).

The purpose of the group is to support Traveller and sci-fi RPG gamers.

We do discussions, give-aways, and contests. We generally have fun.

Join us!

Just sent my request!
Nothing could tempt me to join facebook, or twitter or any of the other antisocial media platforms.
I am quite content with forum conversation.
It almost temps me to join facebook... Almost...

Almost as well - I'm already in G+ Traveller group as I am sort of sucked up into the world of Google already. But Facebook just scares me as to the amount of data it scoops up, even for people not n Facebook (they've been tagging ALL faces in photos, not just FB members for instance). And yes, Google scoops up a lot as well (pretty much everyone does :( )

But hey - we are living sadly in a world where no one expects privacy anymore. Glad I grew up in the analog era - things I did 20, 30 , 40 years ago are not likely to show up. Kids today, any mistakes or social gaffes they make, will be still around later in life.

But, to sort of keep this on-topic, I am always happy to see more Traveller groups. Helps break up the silos that the internet has become (much to the horror of the people who designed the internet - it was supposed to be open and has pretty much turned into giant info silos...dang, there I go again, getting off-topic!)
I am quite content with forum conversation.

Forum conversations are indexed (by search engines), are search-able and many treasures from years+ ago are readily available - I really enjoy looking at old threads.

Other platforms have their use; Twitter for what is new/current/now as most accounts are public. Facebook in the other hand, is not working (clunky at best) for those who are not registered - plus, any content in there is very ephemeral due to how algorithms showing posts work and how the site in general work. But may be great to easily outreach people who don't know about alternatives.

Older, simpler, robust services like this forum are in my opinion more likely to outlive Facebook.