This is exactly how I handle it IMTU as well - until a very late TL (15 at the very least), AI (actually "autonomous" proto-AI) is simply not cost-effective for most purposes unless you're a Hiver; Dumbots are, on the other hand, far, far cheaper and extremely enhance your (flesh) crew's performance.Originally posted by Andy Fralix:
IMTU, dumbots are basicly smart tools. Relativly expensive tools, but still tools.
So most ships have a few Dumbots around; most technicians have a Robot Ops skill (I'll probably make it more frequent on my CharGen system). Robots do not, generally, replace workers; they turn the workers into technicians and Robot-minders ('Bot-supervisors).
This is how I run things in my Solar Triumvirate ATU and my post-SolConfed OTU variant.
By the way, AIs (or, for the very least, sophosticated "autonomous" systems) are best used in a "master-slave" configuration: one brain, many "hands".