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Newcomer Learning the Game...One Page at a Time

Hello, fellow Travellers. I signed up a while back, but haven't been very active on the site. I've never played Traveller; I never had the books back when I was an active gamer, and no one I knew was playing it, either. But I've gained interest after reading a few Traveller-related blogs, and I was inspired to do a Let's Read using the original edition of the game.

So far, I've got the first four pages done. I'm a total newcomer, so everything is fresh and new to me. For other newcomers, it might be a fun experience; for veterans, it's a chance to look at the game through a fresh set of eyes. Maybe there will be something you didn't notice before, or have forgotten after so many years.

If anyone is interested, I'm posting it to my blog, at gcsprigg.blogspot.com.
Welcome to Traveller! Nice blog. I'm going to have to take a look at your books on Amazon. I hope they're not only paperback, but also kindle?
Welcome to Traveller! Nice blog. I'm going to have to take a look at your books on Amazon. I hope they're not only paperback, but also kindle?

They're all ebooks; the fantasy novels are the only paperbacks thus far.

Thanks for taking a look! There will be a sci-fi anthology out by the end of the month, as well.
I'm still going with this thread on my blog; I've completed the character creation section, now it's on to Combat.

Let me know what you think!
It's been a while, but for those who were paying attention, I'm still doing my Let's Read. I'm almost done Book 2. It can be found at gcsprigg.blogspot.com.
Fun reads!

I wrote a program for my Vic-20 back in 1981 to take world data from a subsector to find the most lucrative trade routes based on the DMs for the different world types.

I later modified it to do all the trade rolling for me as referee. I had my subsector maps stored on disk, when my players jumped into a system all I had to do was put in the hex for the system and it would give me all the trade data for the system. It made it so much easier to mix trade with other adventuring. All too often, trade can either overwhelm other things, or it gets shoved aside or handwaved so that Our Heroes can get on with the heroics.
It's been a while, but for those who were paying attention, I'm still doing my Let's Read. I'm almost done Book 2. It can be found at gcsprigg.blogspot.com.

I've been sporadically paying attention - so good reading indeed. And an interesting way of processing the rules as I tend to jump around a bit.
Hello, fellow Travellers. I signed up a while back, but haven't been very active on the site. I've never played Traveller; I never had the books back when I was an active gamer, and no one I knew was playing it, either. But I've gained interest after reading a few Traveller-related blogs, and I was inspired to do a Let's Read using the original edition of the game.

So far, I've got the first four pages done. I'm a total newcomer, so everything is fresh and new to me. For other newcomers, it might be a fun experience; for veterans, it's a chance to look at the game through a fresh set of eyes. Maybe there will be something you didn't notice before, or have forgotten after so many years.

If anyone is interested, I'm posting it to my blog, at gcsprigg.blogspot.com.

Hello, another newb trying to find my feet. Was big into traveller about 35 years ago and on the back of The Expanse, myself and an old mate have fancied playing again. We've fancied playing D&D again too but haven't got round to that yet either and we're more familIar with the rules for that. Got the Core rule book and been mucking around with character generation....

We'll get there hopefully. Been reading some of the threads on here.... reckon I'll need to get my head in the book(s). Thanks for all the info.