MgT Law Levels
All drugs, even medicinal drugs, are "illegal". Illegal might mean illegal to buy over the counter and needing to go visit a doctor to get a Tylenol prescription. Illegal might mean restricting off world imports. Black market for pepto bismol?
Based on the tables, no off worlders are allowed and no technology over TL 3 is allowed!
Based on a strict reading of that line of the table, yes.
But somehow I have to imagine that those various Law-Level categories are the basis for an extended "Legal-Extension" similar to DGPs
World Builder's Handbook (or at least IMTU that is what I would do), not the uniform Law-level for a given world in each category based on the UWP Law Stat.
In other words, for a full world write-up, define the Law Level in each of those categories. In fact, you could let the UWP Law Level be independent of all of those categories and simply let it represent the enforcement level or "strictness" on the world for the various laws that it has as defined by the chart. So, for example, you could have a WeaponsLaw-1 and UWP Law Level 9 (few weapons restrictions, but you are in
BIG trouble if you break the few that they have). Or you could have WeaponsLaw-9 and UWP Law Level 1 (all weapons are controlled outside the home, but they don't make routine checks to enforce it, and if you get caught, you pay a fine, or are told to "
get that out of my sight and take it home before I arrest you. Now I didn't see that, did I?".
Letting the UWP Law Level simply be the the "general enforcment level" of the world and defining the Category Law Levels independently allows for some nice granular legal profiles for the various worlds.