I suppose you also require those with Pilot skill to specify type of ship and tech level of ship as well. So Pilot (Free Trader/TL12) is different from Pilot (Free Trader/TL10) and Pilot (Far Trader/TL12)?
Actually, I view guns differently than other skills. A Pilot, regardless of Tech Level, is going to be looking at a similar sets of controls for a starship. I am not a fan of having someone with Pilot skill operating Small Craft at a lower level than star/spaceship skill. Now, I might consider a massive difference in size of ship as a possible factor, but it would have to be fairly large, like someone going from a 200 dTon Free Trader to a 5,000 dTon cargo liner, but then primarily with respect to landing or docking at a High Port. For docking at a High Port, a High Port Pilot may be required regardless, I have not really considered that, focusing more on smaller ships. I have flown 4 different single-engine light planes along with an ultra-light, and the controls and handling of the light planes, one of which was a float plane, were not that different. The ultralight was much more of a seat of the pants type flying.
During World War 2, pilots were going from twin-engine Beechcraft and Cessnas to 4-engine Fortresses and Liberators without a whole lot of training. The biggest headache with respect to the Pilot skill that I know of was trying to train helicopter pilots to handle fixed-wong aircraft. The controls are totally different as are the reaction of the Pilot. The other direction was about as bad.
As for Aramis comments, I have had some different experiences, so it depends on what a Game Master has seen and had experience with.
In the Real World, having a standard Driver's License does not qualify you to drive a n 18-wheeler. A single-engine pilot license does not qualify you to fly a Boeing 747 or an F-15. Sometimes, some differentiation is needed. I view starship pilot skills similar to wet nautical vessels skills, where pretty much everything is the same except size.