Personally, I created two spreadsheets.
One is a "creation center"
It has the flow charts, data charts and tables needed to create characters in every one of the career fields I accept or have created
(mind you, some have become obsolete as I started this in the early 1980's and some character classes have been made Canon with
different properties)
The second is named "Spinward Marches" and contains "everything else"
there are pages for things like food and drink, based on which systems items can be found in...
there are pages for drugs, Imperial Fleet data, etc...
Then, there are pages for each subsector, where the UWP data for those systems are compactly displayed
Then, there are pages for each world, in which I put everything related to that world.
If anything happens in game, I include that.
Because I create a very very detailed back history for each character I create, there are listings in those world pages for all that
AND, I have a "concordance" page which organizes everything into a consolidated time line, including all the data from the Traveller
Consolidated Timeline.
That way, when a new character is being created, I:
1) determine if they are assigned to a unit, then determine if they are separated from that unit to another.
2) Either way, I then determine if the unit(or units) have shifted from "current system" to "new system"
3) Then, I write a small story about the assignment and the character's achievements that year.
4) in this process, I check the Concordance to see what was happening in that year in that system characters may have been involved in the same events from different points of view...or, even worked with another character
Example, using the character "MIkah Kirlim"...
Assigned: INS Guranara(Midu Agashaam Class Destroyer) Operating in the Regina Subsector
1096: Assigned to work in the ship's sickbay and promoted after the ship participated in a strike against smugglers in the Pscias
System(Regina) who were using classified military codes to operate covertly from that interdicted system.
1097: Retained in assignment through patrols and strikes in the Raydrad System(Trin's Veil)
In this case, during the year 1096, Mikah worked in the ship's sick bay with another character, named "Angela Drina"
That character ended her military career in a Courts Martial for ....crimes.
Where Mikah became "Lady Dame Mikah" for her heroic actions during role play.
I can certainly see a time in the future where Angela Drina calls on Lady Mikah for a favor....for old time's sake.
But, it's all done manually in my spread sheets