• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Official QLI Update

Dear fellow citizens.
I have been asked by Hunter to provide an update
on QLI's plans for the next 6 months.

Limited License Scheme:
Limited license will probably be available in next month or two. Marc and Hunter are still hashing out the details of the scheme, but I can tell you it *will* happen.
(Basically Marc and I finding the time to iron out the details. We are also talking to other PDF venue outlets about working with us on this venture so PDFs released under this license will be able to be sold at other 'approved' online stores. - Hunter)

2320 is the next planned "big" release. It is in final design at present. Artwork for the book will be starting soon. Ted Lindsey is working on the cover and layout design. It is hoped to have 2320 out in July - both in PDF and deadtree format.

1248 is scheduled to follow 2320, hopefully in August or September (ie: after 2320). It is planned for 1248 to be available at that time in both PDF and deadtree format.
(I have the semi-final text in from MJD on this. Will try to get it posted next week on the Moot)

Honor Harrington:
Hunter is waiting on approvals from David Weber. Julie Cochrane has a fair amount of the material written, but it must be vetted first. When Hunter has it all from them he will post in the playtest area.

The Players Guidebook:
Is planned for release by June this year in both PDF and deadtree format.

Hunter's PM Box
Yes, it is full. He suggests that if it is very important please re-email to his email address and don't PM him.

Bundled EPICS 1-3 in Deadtree format:
It is planned for this product to be available by in the first half of May (this year, not next year).

Bundled EPICS 4-6 in Deadtree format:
Planned for release about two months after bundled epics 1-3

In addition to MJD's Avenger line of adventures, Golden Age-2 will be out soon, Golden Age 3 is planned for later this year, as is EPIC-8: Corsair for the Gateway Domain.

(The print plans listed here are tentative. We've got a lot of changes underway including looking at working with some new printers, shifting our distribution and warehousing completely over to Publisher Solutions Inc. (PSI who has already been handling our sales to the book trade). As things firm up I'll start updating the 'Upcoming Releases' area with the planned material. -Hunter)

*Start spin*
All in all, it is very exciting. If you have any other questions, I'm sure you will reply on this thread.
*End spin*


(The Emperor's Senior Communications Manager)
Are you sure that the first of April is the best day to release this ;)
Great news, and I can hardly wait for the deadtree products. I think that it is also a wise move for both PDF & Deadtree but I guess that might be just me...always, loving to have a deadtree in my hands rather than photons on the eye...
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Are you sure that the first of April is the best day to release this ;)
Errrr... the fact that this is coming out on April 1 and that this post is not from Hunter himself has me suspicious.
"Errrr... the fact that this is coming out on April 1 and that this post is not from Hunter himself has me suspicious."

Suspicious of what? I talk to Hunter every night, without fail.
The post is real

As for Starfall, I am working to fit it into the schedule this year.

"Starfall"; when?

I second Marquis Duckfinder's petition for information regarding project “Starfall”.

"Mr. Taylor, are you here today, to deny the existence of project “Starfall”? You Sir, stand before this special session of the COTI Committee on Personal Spending, what is your statement on project “Starfall”? I’ll remind you Sir, the outcomes of several Home Budget negotiations hinge on the information provided in your testimony today.”

Seriously, I really want to trade my money for new Traveller products.
Tentatively Starfall is scheduled for around Oct. This may change however.

Another gaming budget shot all to hell.

"Honey, you know that diet you've been suggesting we both need to go on? Well, good news! Since we won't have any money to buy food for the next six months, we'll both lose lots of weight."

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to all the new deadtree products.
Originally posted by hunter:
The post is real

As for Starfall, I am working to fit it into the schedule this year.

Ah! Ok :D . Sorry to doubt you guys but they taught us to be suspicious in journalism class.
Originally posted by Michael Taylor:
1248 is scheduled to follow 2320, hopefully in August or September (ie: after 2320). It is planned for 1248 to be available at that time in both PDF and deadtree format.
(I have the semi-final text in from MJD on this. Will try to get it posted next week on the Moot)
Ooo! I missed that last part, earlier. I'll have to squeeze in some spare extra time out of the dimensional stablizer next week!

Honestly, that's a giant thread over there, and what I can't figure out is why the question got asked over there instead of here in the first place.

At least there wouldn't be so much Traveller bashing going on in it. The OP couldn't have gotten a lot clearer and friendlier a response right here.
Sigg said: "Are there still any plans for CT-revised?"

Are you referring to T5? According to Far Future's website the release date is June 2007.