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Official ships and their sources


A couple months ago, I asked about K'kree ships appearing in canon. Further thinking got me to wondering if anyone's put together a list of all the ships given stats in official publications (i.e. including licensed works, not including fanon) and where they appear. I was thinking about this in part because some editions have had different emphases in both location and ship sizes - for example, I don't think Mega has any K'kree or Hiver vessels, while New Era mostly sticks to small ships. For people wanting more diversity with their chosen rule set, it could be helpful to know where to look for existing vessels to fill the gaps. I know the wiki exists, but the wiki isn't particularly useful for this specific idea since it includes a lot of fan designs and isn't easy to sort through quickly. So, is there anything out there that's a good list (or at least a good start to the list), or do I need to start a group run at this thing, since I know I don't have all the sources needed?