I am working on a background for a new game for a new group. Creating a new group of sectors over 500 light years rimward of the Sol Sector.
Here is the background.
The original denizens of the area were uplifts by one of Grandfather's sons using Homo-erectus of Sol 3 Terra, but modified on a larger scale with higher Psi abilities to quickly construct his new cities. These homo-gigantus were sent to populate sectors far to rimward outside of Grandfather’s domain. During Grandfather’s war, most of their colonies were destroyed completely. Those who settled in the area well past any other settlements suffered less devastation by Grandfather’s scouts. The surviving planets had learned the pleasures and perils of warfare. These survivors followed signals from their peaceful neighbors bringing terror and devastation to the peace lovers. Some family groups built long range jump ships to flee from their cruel neighbors, heading core-ward and rim-ward. A cluster of these ships found their way to the old home of Sol 3 known as Terra Alpha. There, they found a bunch of TL0 paleolithic Cro-Magnons living a hunter gatherer life.
Karma caught up to the more war loving planets in the form of a binary pair of blue giant stars. A battle in that system using experimental gravatic weapons would cause both stars to go nova together and became a powerful black hole they called the Eye of Loss. The nova destroyed their tech, cities, and destabilized more than a few of their home stars. The survivors were able to rebuild and reclaim some tech until they but were unable to regain jump travel. Many planets’ populations gained a fear of psionic abilities and technology resulting in strong taboos reinforced by many mutations over the generations.
The travellers who reached Terra Alpha started using genetic modifications and animal husbandry to ranch the paleolithic Cro-Magnons, trying to improve the species over tens of thousands of years uplifting them until they were usable intelligent slave homosapiens. They effectively became their slaves of their ruling gods. These benevolent gods were 50% larger, 10 times stronger and much more intelligent than their large flocks. It was easy to control them by telepathy and with the remains of their higher technology. Selected individuals were given power over their follows allowing telepathic contact to their gods. Those that displeased them or didn’t measure up were culled as human sacrifices to their gods. They were taught a variety of skills to be able to work for them better.
These superior beings lived very long lives with access to a few old failing high tech autodocs and advanced healing skills. They did procreate among themselves, with the women deciding when to allow themselves to get pregnant, taking two years to gestate. Not many new pure blood children were born. Often major concessions were given to the mother by the father. Raising these children were a trial for the parent as the kids had power over many servants. For fun they used their flocks of humans for war games. When they discovered a superior human female, they graced that human by breeding with them usually using their telepathy to modify their experience. Superior males were given a large harem to spread their seed.
The homo-gigantus became used to living as gods over their flocks of slaves. Strife arose when a few of these overlords began to believe that they deserved to rule over their brothers, treating them as slaves. Those who were treated poorly took the jump ships and left with their flocks to other hidden places, leaving the Nile valley behind. They grouped into different territories such as the peninsula of Greece, The Iberian Peninsula above the village of Rome, the islands of Britain, Australia, Scandinavia, China, Tibet, South and Central America, Central Africa, and India. They split off as couples to small families to try and live better than their neighbors without being subservient to those claiming to be Overlords. Everything was going wonderfully for most of them until one was killed by one of the Overlords causing his wife to angrily create a virus genetically targeting all of her fellow homo-gigantus. Birds as well as humans were used to carry and spread the deadly scourge virus worldwide within a year. Some were able to give warning to other groups before dying as they quickly decayed to ash. The few groups with warning quickly loaded back on their ships with some select followers and went back to their old home worlds. Not all ships departed before the infection reached them. The route followed was in the navigation banks of the ships allowing almost anyone to run the ships. Several ships continued on even as their gods died of the virulent disease leaving ships of humans to find the worlds of the old ones.
The travellers who were the decedents of the original travellers and humans returned to the home worlds hoping for a welcome home, but instead received scorn, hatred, and violence. The people of the old worlds had stagnated, fearing the hated technology. The ones returning with their chosen servants had exercised their skills, psionic abilities and remaining technologies becoming better at everything than those they found. The old worlds near the Eye of Loss were depopulated or scoured clean. The travellers found the many old ones easier to subjugate than their humans as they old ones had lost their psionic ability.
The ships visited many worlds throughout the sectors. The ships piloted by human only crews carried the scourge virus to all worlds they visited, depopulating the worlds they visited. A few systems with off planet old ones survived unable to give warning to other systems. Knowing that they would die if they returned to their world of origin. It took a few decades to destroy the race of the homo-gigantus more complete than Grandfather’s followers tried to do.
The humans quickly spread across the many worlds as the old ones disappeared. The humans found that they could eliminate their gods easily instead of going to their deaths. The remaining homo-gigantus are now loading up to leave before their own followers use the scourge kill them. They hope to find security beyond the Eye of Loss as they head out to colonize new worlds.
After a thousand years, the humans have spread and colonized many of the worlds and are running into each other. Ships have run back to Terra Prime designed to gain more breeding stock humans accelerating population growth. Treaties have been made and empires founded. Wars have spread across the sectors but tech limitations have limited empires to no more than 50 star systems. Emperors who have used methods to destructive find themselves permanently removed from power.
Governments of different worlds will be sending out diplomats to gain allies and scout as many worlds as they can. Some small empires will exist, and some rulers will be lusting after the resources and people of nearby worlds. There is no overarching imperium government to keep a lid on things out here beyond the frontier. Any world using too much violence during an attack on another world will draw the ire of many neighboring worlds who will join forces to eliminate the overzealous government. Small groups of determined people can make big differences. Empty worlds ready for colonization are nearby. Alien race merchants selling high tech visit occasionally.
The players will find these sectors near a hungry black hole where vulnerable gods are a recent memory and the slaves of the gods are reaching out on their own as they find new ways to self-govern. It is nowhere near a perfect universe with perfect people and the masters of old may return to gather new servants at any time. There is room for Scouts, Merchants, Mercenaries, Rouges and brave diplomats from any world.
Some of the intelligent creatures found here will be:
Centaurs and K’Kree
Odd sea creatures
Vargr and Anubis hyena hybrids
Modified Aslan
Humans with random Psi skills
Deformed and or oversized humans
Animal hybrids
Droyne and Chirpers
And a few slightly confusing Hivers.
Other races exist, yet to be found.
Always remember, the ever-hungry Eye of Loss is always watching.
I wish to thank Zho Berka for his Random Subsector Generator that I have used over the last couple of decades. It has been very useful.
Here is the background.
The original denizens of the area were uplifts by one of Grandfather's sons using Homo-erectus of Sol 3 Terra, but modified on a larger scale with higher Psi abilities to quickly construct his new cities. These homo-gigantus were sent to populate sectors far to rimward outside of Grandfather’s domain. During Grandfather’s war, most of their colonies were destroyed completely. Those who settled in the area well past any other settlements suffered less devastation by Grandfather’s scouts. The surviving planets had learned the pleasures and perils of warfare. These survivors followed signals from their peaceful neighbors bringing terror and devastation to the peace lovers. Some family groups built long range jump ships to flee from their cruel neighbors, heading core-ward and rim-ward. A cluster of these ships found their way to the old home of Sol 3 known as Terra Alpha. There, they found a bunch of TL0 paleolithic Cro-Magnons living a hunter gatherer life.
Karma caught up to the more war loving planets in the form of a binary pair of blue giant stars. A battle in that system using experimental gravatic weapons would cause both stars to go nova together and became a powerful black hole they called the Eye of Loss. The nova destroyed their tech, cities, and destabilized more than a few of their home stars. The survivors were able to rebuild and reclaim some tech until they but were unable to regain jump travel. Many planets’ populations gained a fear of psionic abilities and technology resulting in strong taboos reinforced by many mutations over the generations.
The travellers who reached Terra Alpha started using genetic modifications and animal husbandry to ranch the paleolithic Cro-Magnons, trying to improve the species over tens of thousands of years uplifting them until they were usable intelligent slave homosapiens. They effectively became their slaves of their ruling gods. These benevolent gods were 50% larger, 10 times stronger and much more intelligent than their large flocks. It was easy to control them by telepathy and with the remains of their higher technology. Selected individuals were given power over their follows allowing telepathic contact to their gods. Those that displeased them or didn’t measure up were culled as human sacrifices to their gods. They were taught a variety of skills to be able to work for them better.
These superior beings lived very long lives with access to a few old failing high tech autodocs and advanced healing skills. They did procreate among themselves, with the women deciding when to allow themselves to get pregnant, taking two years to gestate. Not many new pure blood children were born. Often major concessions were given to the mother by the father. Raising these children were a trial for the parent as the kids had power over many servants. For fun they used their flocks of humans for war games. When they discovered a superior human female, they graced that human by breeding with them usually using their telepathy to modify their experience. Superior males were given a large harem to spread their seed.
The homo-gigantus became used to living as gods over their flocks of slaves. Strife arose when a few of these overlords began to believe that they deserved to rule over their brothers, treating them as slaves. Those who were treated poorly took the jump ships and left with their flocks to other hidden places, leaving the Nile valley behind. They grouped into different territories such as the peninsula of Greece, The Iberian Peninsula above the village of Rome, the islands of Britain, Australia, Scandinavia, China, Tibet, South and Central America, Central Africa, and India. They split off as couples to small families to try and live better than their neighbors without being subservient to those claiming to be Overlords. Everything was going wonderfully for most of them until one was killed by one of the Overlords causing his wife to angrily create a virus genetically targeting all of her fellow homo-gigantus. Birds as well as humans were used to carry and spread the deadly scourge virus worldwide within a year. Some were able to give warning to other groups before dying as they quickly decayed to ash. The few groups with warning quickly loaded back on their ships with some select followers and went back to their old home worlds. Not all ships departed before the infection reached them. The route followed was in the navigation banks of the ships allowing almost anyone to run the ships. Several ships continued on even as their gods died of the virulent disease leaving ships of humans to find the worlds of the old ones.
The travellers who were the decedents of the original travellers and humans returned to the home worlds hoping for a welcome home, but instead received scorn, hatred, and violence. The people of the old worlds had stagnated, fearing the hated technology. The ones returning with their chosen servants had exercised their skills, psionic abilities and remaining technologies becoming better at everything than those they found. The old worlds near the Eye of Loss were depopulated or scoured clean. The travellers found the many old ones easier to subjugate than their humans as they old ones had lost their psionic ability.
The ships visited many worlds throughout the sectors. The ships piloted by human only crews carried the scourge virus to all worlds they visited, depopulating the worlds they visited. A few systems with off planet old ones survived unable to give warning to other systems. Knowing that they would die if they returned to their world of origin. It took a few decades to destroy the race of the homo-gigantus more complete than Grandfather’s followers tried to do.
The humans quickly spread across the many worlds as the old ones disappeared. The humans found that they could eliminate their gods easily instead of going to their deaths. The remaining homo-gigantus are now loading up to leave before their own followers use the scourge kill them. They hope to find security beyond the Eye of Loss as they head out to colonize new worlds.
After a thousand years, the humans have spread and colonized many of the worlds and are running into each other. Ships have run back to Terra Prime designed to gain more breeding stock humans accelerating population growth. Treaties have been made and empires founded. Wars have spread across the sectors but tech limitations have limited empires to no more than 50 star systems. Emperors who have used methods to destructive find themselves permanently removed from power.
Governments of different worlds will be sending out diplomats to gain allies and scout as many worlds as they can. Some small empires will exist, and some rulers will be lusting after the resources and people of nearby worlds. There is no overarching imperium government to keep a lid on things out here beyond the frontier. Any world using too much violence during an attack on another world will draw the ire of many neighboring worlds who will join forces to eliminate the overzealous government. Small groups of determined people can make big differences. Empty worlds ready for colonization are nearby. Alien race merchants selling high tech visit occasionally.
The players will find these sectors near a hungry black hole where vulnerable gods are a recent memory and the slaves of the gods are reaching out on their own as they find new ways to self-govern. It is nowhere near a perfect universe with perfect people and the masters of old may return to gather new servants at any time. There is room for Scouts, Merchants, Mercenaries, Rouges and brave diplomats from any world.
Some of the intelligent creatures found here will be:
Centaurs and K’Kree
Odd sea creatures
Vargr and Anubis hyena hybrids
Modified Aslan
Humans with random Psi skills
Deformed and or oversized humans
Animal hybrids
Droyne and Chirpers
And a few slightly confusing Hivers.
Other races exist, yet to be found.
Always remember, the ever-hungry Eye of Loss is always watching.
I wish to thank Zho Berka for his Random Subsector Generator that I have used over the last couple of decades. It has been very useful.