I was perusing this thread today (and what a great thread BTW)…
…and I had a couple of ideas:
Skimming GG’s
I always interpreted the 8-hour operation to mean that the ship settled into the lowest possible orbit around the GG, where there existed a very small concentration of hydrogen gas. The ship spends 8 hours in this relatively safe orbit sucking up the raw fuel it needs, then accelerates out of orbit once the tanks are full. This seems much more tame than the suggested repetitive “dive-bombing” of the upper atmosphere.
1G Maneuver Drives on Size 9+ Worlds
The whole vector math thing makes sense to me, and there is certainly no denying that the CT rules explicitly state that a low-G ship cannot take-off from a high-G world. However, the use of lift in atmosphere to offset the gravity vector enough to allow a slow departure would definitely work. The issue is getting the initial velocity necessary to generate that lift. MT talks about built-in overdrive to satisfy this, CT does not. Why not take the middle ground? The CT ruling is that it can’t happen, but that doesn’t mean that the pilot can’t attempt it! While the drives aren’t designed for it, they might be able to be goaded into achieving orbit, so make it a skill task to “overdrive” them:
“To overdrive the ship’s under-rated maneuvering drive in an attempt to achieve escape velocity from a high-G world, throw 13+ on 2D. DM’s are Pilot skill level or Engineering skill level (whichever is higher), -1 if Atmosphere 3 or less,-1 if using unrefined fuel (couldn’t resist putting that one in there
), and -1 per missing required engineer. Failure indicates that the maneuvering drive has malfunctioned, and the ship crash-lands. Roll 1D hits on the Starship Hit Location table.”… or something like that.
LBB2/TTB fuel purification
While it doesn’t explicitly state this that I’m aware of, I always assumed that the standard designs presented in Book 2 were built without the ability to refine fuel. However, there should be nothing stopping the GM/Players from designing a different vessel than those presented that could use unrefined fuel at no penalty. That being said, I would rule that the option couldn’t be retrofitted to an existing ship. As far as why these designs have no purification ability, I would guess that Supp4 touched on it at the end of the thread: “Big Fuel” megacorporations have managed to force the issue (or at least that’s the popular conspiracy theory
)… or perhaps it is just a TL issue. While it is certainly possible that fuel can be refined at lower tech levels, maybe it isn’t practical (cost/size-wise) for LBB2-sized ships until a higher TL (Note: don’t have HG handy to see the worst case TL/mass for a plant right now… so this suggestion may be lame
…and I had a couple of ideas:
Skimming GG’s
I always interpreted the 8-hour operation to mean that the ship settled into the lowest possible orbit around the GG, where there existed a very small concentration of hydrogen gas. The ship spends 8 hours in this relatively safe orbit sucking up the raw fuel it needs, then accelerates out of orbit once the tanks are full. This seems much more tame than the suggested repetitive “dive-bombing” of the upper atmosphere.
1G Maneuver Drives on Size 9+ Worlds
The whole vector math thing makes sense to me, and there is certainly no denying that the CT rules explicitly state that a low-G ship cannot take-off from a high-G world. However, the use of lift in atmosphere to offset the gravity vector enough to allow a slow departure would definitely work. The issue is getting the initial velocity necessary to generate that lift. MT talks about built-in overdrive to satisfy this, CT does not. Why not take the middle ground? The CT ruling is that it can’t happen, but that doesn’t mean that the pilot can’t attempt it! While the drives aren’t designed for it, they might be able to be goaded into achieving orbit, so make it a skill task to “overdrive” them:
“To overdrive the ship’s under-rated maneuvering drive in an attempt to achieve escape velocity from a high-G world, throw 13+ on 2D. DM’s are Pilot skill level or Engineering skill level (whichever is higher), -1 if Atmosphere 3 or less,-1 if using unrefined fuel (couldn’t resist putting that one in there

LBB2/TTB fuel purification
While it doesn’t explicitly state this that I’m aware of, I always assumed that the standard designs presented in Book 2 were built without the ability to refine fuel. However, there should be nothing stopping the GM/Players from designing a different vessel than those presented that could use unrefined fuel at no penalty. That being said, I would rule that the option couldn’t be retrofitted to an existing ship. As far as why these designs have no purification ability, I would guess that Supp4 touched on it at the end of the thread: “Big Fuel” megacorporations have managed to force the issue (or at least that’s the popular conspiracy theory

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