Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Skimming GG’s
I always interpreted the 8-hour operation to mean that the ship settled into the lowest possible orbit around the GG, where there existed a very small concentration of hydrogen gas. The ship spends 8 hours in this relatively safe orbit sucking up the raw fuel it needs, then accelerates out of orbit once the tanks are full. This seems much more tame than the suggested repetitive “dive-bombing” of the upper atmosphere.
But...but...the dive bombing is so much more coooooollll for a game!
Describe it to your players--you dive deep into the outer atmo of the behemoth. Magnitomiter is off the charts. Lightning crashes in the distance, electrifying the clouds. Pockets of methane and hydrogen and other gasses rock the ship as your vessel rockets through them...
I think it's just fun.
On the big ships, the fuel jockeys have this mistique about them. They're regarded kinda like the test pilots. Lean and mean and livin' on the edge.
They get all the women too.
1G Maneuver Drives on Size 9+ Worlds
Why not take the middle ground?
I kinda like how CT keeps 1G vessels away from Size 9+ worlds without good orbital starports.
It really adds to the "reading of a subsector" process the GM goes through when setting up his campaign.
It adds islands and vortexes and whirlpools to the ocean of space.
LBB2/TTB fuel purification
While it doesn’t explicitly state this that I’m aware of...
Actually, in the other thread you mention, we did find where Book 2 specifically stated that ships under LBB2 design do not have fuel purification.
I'd have to find it again, though (or just check that other thread).