You're advocating that a battleship not be designed to take the enemy out in one shot? Even if it can be done? That's seems dangerous and innefficient to me.
No, it's not particularly exciting. But basically what you're advocating is for battleship combat to become exciting like Craps is exciting, or the kids card game "War" is exciting. Because that's the only difference from a one shot kill to a 10 shot kill.
One takes one die roll, the other takes 10. With the one shot kill game, you get to find out the results in one die roll, coin flip, win lose. With the 10 shot game, you probably find out in 5 die rolls, with the rest just finishing the job, since the tide will eventually turn to one side or the other.
Is that what you're looking for? It makes for great narrative, I guess, as far as game play, to me, IMHO, it's not particularly interesting.
Because the simple fact is that once the ships engage, the result, while it may not be known, is out of the hands of players. It's like a game a of Risk. The strategy is in the army placement, but not the actual battles. That's pure statistics/luck. And, yes, I've had my larger army killed by a lone survivor in Risk, so it's not a foregone conclusion. There's an aspect of luck in all battles.
But unfortunately, with Traveller combat, it's pretty much all luck once the ships are engaged. They just stand there and slug it out.