Rev Round
The tin opener? My favourite piece of equipment. Often forgotten though.
Thought so, rock on, I still remember. Oh, and I too have one floating about on a ring too.No matter what TL it is, every soldier should have the dubious privelege of opening some form of container, peering inside, and thinking immediately "what the hell is that" followed by "do they really expect me to eat this?"
And Magnus, it is a P-38. I still carry one on my key chain, just in case.
Works for me Number Four, I can be the new Number Two...Hey no fair. You are member number 2, I am member number 4.
(First club fight) :rofl:
Dave Chase
Works for me Number Four, I can be the new Number Two...
We need a new Number Six.
The NCO Academy made me take it off my dog tags while teaching there. Said it was a stupid tradition. <sigh>Dave Chase
I think I know what a p-38 is now.
Does a Dosenöffner Wanderfreund count for membership?