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opening doors in jump space

The Special Horror edition of Challenge had HPPE's (jump space poltergeist/ghosts - i.e. the 'imprints' of people lost to jump space) as a metaphysical presence on an abandoned ship. I always disliked the idea, but it does extend the range of Traveller adventures...
Disciples of the Bright Way were recently disbanded when it was discovered the High Elder Brother Mathej recieved his primary vision from a Vargr holosuite program which simulated the entire exercise.

The Imperial Navy warns Travellers that excessive staring at Jump Space fields can cause adverse effects to one's health. Documents regarding jumpspace research may be obtained through filing form 20343v-334-2 Access to Information of the Glisten Jumpspace Institute.

Naturally, the navy would be trying to hide something in this paper trail. What is it?
For me, I like it as an Abstract Peril. Something like in the old sailing movies where one guy goes crazy and starts drinking seawater, etc. Who can define the undefineable? Jump Space for me causes madness, but not a madness brought on by demons and such, just plain ol' brain overload madness... going out in it is just plain ol' death...

I also found the TNE adventure that you alluded to in Challenge#75

...simply called the Madness Effect dealing with the strange effects of Jumpspace on the crew & passengers when exposed to the "strange" physics of Jumpspace.

All the allusion to "strange" physics makes me think that Traveller is inspired by some of the fiction of the Pulps that dealt with weird science taking us back to Lovecraft country...
Why would anyone open a door in space anyways? One of the outside doors, that is, not an indoor hatch.
----"Why would anyone open a door in space anyways? One of the outside doors, that is, not an indoor hatch."

to get rid of someone annoying . for good .

ever been to liar's oath ? i blame mjd......

I'd go kick MJD a few times for you, but I have a feeling you're a lot closer than I am. So you should do it.

And just 'cause it's there doesn't mean you do it. I mean, you pet a cat, but you don't open an airlock, especially in Jump.
Problem is most teenagers wouldent be able to play an insane character. Though to be honest would they need to make the effort?

Not that i ever play with teenagers.
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
Who can define the undefineable? Jump Space for me causes madness,
Kind of like the thought of Ravening Hordes of Solomani Proletarians out to dis-enfeof the Good Baron.... !

JAG is part of the USN right they deal with legal issues and stuff?

Pity really if you have to pressgang the "yoofs" into play. But hey you might find one with decent roleplaying potential (as in he will contiue past the age of 17).
Originally posted by Spiderfish:
JAG is part of the USN right they deal with legal issues and stuff?

Pity really if you have to pressgang the "yoofs" into play. But hey you might find one with decent roleplaying potential (as in he will contiue past the age of 17).
JAG = Judge Advocate General; not sure what the words means exactly but it is about military legal issues. There is, or was, a show on the TV in the USA called JAG; the star was a JAG officer and Naval pilot that could do almost any mission type (typical Hollywood). My friend loves the show.

Originally posted by Gaming Glen:
There is, or was, a show on the TV in the USA called JAG; the star was a JAG officer and Naval pilot that could do almost any mission type (typical Hollywood). My friend loves the show.

Still on and in syndication now IIRC. I think the premise was that he used to be a pilot. (i.e. he doesn't hop into his jet, bust the bad guys, and then make the case against them in court)

/me shrugs

There are plenty of courtroom only tv shows. If you're going to make a military based lawyer show you might as well show more than just a courtroom. Fairly watchable for a recent network tv show* the few times I've watched it. The show has lasted for 8 seasons though from what little I've seen of recent years they've ramped up the soap opera and jingoism a notch or two.

Still it should have some fodder for a game. Just don't expect it to be a documentary about how JAG works.


* and I like almost no recent / current network tv
Originally posted by far-trader:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Straybow:
Matter annihilation would make sabotage too easy: a tiny 1 kg robot programmed to climb on at a starport and then jet off once in jump space could kill a zillion-ton ship with a 20MT explosion a hundred meters from the hull.

That guy with the orange sash would deliver a gigaton of revenge for being ejected from the airlock.

Bye, bye!
I only said "much like that of a matter-antimatter collision" Straybow. It wouldn't have quite the same punch but the explosion would be significant, probably doing damage to the ship in the area around the airlock he was tossed out of and/or at the very least imposing an increased chance of misjump. A large enough mass is going to do a lot of damage, and if its enough to destroy a significant percentage of the jump grid you could lose the whole ship.

Sure such tactics as you suggest could and probably have been used. It would be rare that it was done though and probably rarer yet that it would actually work. The device you suggest would have to be small enough and cleverly engineered enough to avoid detection (unless the crew is lazy). As well it has to be sturdy enough to survive the huge energy surge/emp that is going to wash over it when the grid is powered up (at which time the computer is going to give the crew another chance to notice an anomaly in the energy field produced by the extra bit on the hull and decide to abort the Jump or take their chances).

At least that's how I'd do it, ymmv, whatever works for you is the right way

Hmm, I do kind of like the idea of a gigaton of revenge from the grave
</font>[/QUOTE]Gearhead I am not, but I think I could comeup with a device using stored kinetic energy to propel maybe 2Kgs three meters away from the hull after a delay of a day and a half. A windup clockwork for the delay, compressed gas for the thrust; this is pretty mature lo-tech stuff. Put it all into a small selfstick package... If it were that dramatic in its effect, it would have been done already. (IMHO)
I also reference David Weber's excellent Honor Harrington books, specifically the effects of "bring up a ship's boat wedge in a boat bay".
It sounded like it might be similar to having an FA-18 start up and hit its afterburner on the hanger deck of the SSS Carl Vinson. In my experience with people, not to say pilots or rpg'rs, if it could be used to deadly advantage, it would have been already.
Now, if you open the door and then stick your hand into the pretty colors, well - I figure you've already flunked the great big IQ test that is life.
For the guy in the Orange sash, kill him now, space him in 'normal space'. [I'll bet that will become a bigger oxymoron than military justice!]
Actually the description of jump space in the 'Starship operatiors manual' mentions bad things happening but its more to do with comming into close contact with:
A) plasma, super heated hydrogen moving at Mach 10. The plasma buffers jump space pushing it away from the hull. The jump grid controls the plasma.
B) Massive time dilation. Time gets weird over very short distances. Your heads running at ten days per second while your hearts running at the normal rate.
C) the hull, someone thorwn out may get bownced back at mach ten.
Originally posted by hirch duckfinder:
what happens when you open a door into jump space and something or someone drops out ???

anyone got an opinion , or even better a canonical explaination of what would have happened if i did ???

thanks in advance .
hirch .
Really Quite simple... Provided they neither come within 30 cm of the grey wall which defined the end of normal space within the jump bubble, nor stare at the undultions and hints of color, nothing.

Prolonged exposure within 30 cm of the wall? going to bend the mind. Part of it is exposure to radiation form the hull grid, part is that radiation interacting wiht particles whcih can't exist fully inside the bubble, but only in that outer 30 cm...

If you push a stick 3m long so that 1m is past the grey, when you pull it back, it will have a nearly perfectly smooth far end and be a 2m pole... If you stick your hand out the grey wall, your hand dissassociates, as it's no longer able to maintain nuclear cohesion. In rare cases, it may be precipitated back to N-space along the route... usually in chunks under 50grams... more normally bits in the 1-2 g range.

If the door, however, is more than 2m across, the bubble now is compromised, and that grey wall will push in.... and at about 2.01m, that bubble fills all bout the outter 1m shell of the ship. No misjump (IMTU, NOTHING will cause a misjump once the transition occurs, but a grid failure may result in destruction and arrival on-time, on-target.... as a hollow shell. Or in multiple parts, if cut carefully...).

Effectively, J-space hates normal matter, so anything not in a J-bubble gets nearly instantly precipitated out. It doesn't matter if it was part of something larger or not, J-space takes what it can grab, and hucks it back to N-space nearly instantly.

So, IMTU, your sashed non-firend would not leave a body... but might leave a bunch of smatters which someone in N-space might find... as J-space fillets him like japanese ginger.