Originally posted by Zparkz:
I have briefly been looking at OpenRPG, Screenmonkey and Klooge, they seem not to support large scale combat much.
Outdoors combat in Traveller sometimes may cover a large area and a hex/square may be several meters across.
I mainly look for an electronic playing surface as printing out maps are expensive in the long run, and playing with miniatures takes up a lot of space on the tabletop/floor. I would like to play out encounters on a LAN to ease gaming.
OpenRPGs solution to put everything on a webserver is not my cup of coffee, and the tohers had other limitations as to map size and no posivbility to stack minitaures in a hex/square.
I really need something simple as something to present a CC2 map in png/jpg format where I can move around pieces. supports the metric format, failing that just displays the map and let me and my players move the pieces around pretty freely.
It depends on what you consider large scale combat.
Klooge does quite well for large scale combat. (I ran a Merc campaign first time out, and have learned a bit since then. Things will take a while, though they always do with large scale combat, but you won't get lost. You can give the follow order so units will stick together. You can reorder initiative so units fire together. And there are a couple of other neat little shortcuts, if you know where to look. You can even assign team members to individual icons so deploying them is easier, and in this case, guess what, they stack together under one icon. In doing this you can use the Traveller Large Scale Combat rules if you don't want to track individuals. However it isn't Warhammer 40,000 if that is what your are looking for. It will take a while to set up and move an army. (Then again so does Warhammer 40K and in WH40K it is easy for a 4-6 turn game to go 4 hours or more.) Further if you have everything done right in your definition file then Klooge does all the bookkeeping, all the range checks, all the movement limits, all the to hit, all the damage rolls, keeps track of ammo, keeps track of things like cover modifiers, knows who is shooting at whom, will show you who is in the blast radius of grenades, handles range mods, oh and did I mention the follow command? And does all this without an additional slowdown of the game. Like I said it takes a while to set up a mass combat, but once the GM has it set up, (preferbly before the combat happens and not during a session) it handles it rather smoothly. However it takes a GM familiar with the rules, the software and your definition file to get the most oout of it. (And for Traveller T20 there is some tweeking I would have to do in the Definition file as a couple things, ammo tracking for one, aren't implemented even though the software is now capable of doing it. One other point, with real time measuring, you don't need hexes in Klooge. In fact I don't use them at all. Regulating movement with hexes and squares works well for some instances of tabletop gaming, but is a horrible way to go for interior fighting.
Grip actually handles large scale combat rather well as well. Its NPC sheets are not restricted to the one NPC per Sheet. THough I never tried to put more than one fireteam on a Character sheet. (I figure it would get confusing.)
If you want me to show you how to do it with Klooge I can easily do that. I would need some time to set it up. (Inputing a bunch of people to fully use the system takes a few minutes and I would want to fix the ammunition expenditure and update the effects list.) But I could set up a T20 platoon size force on force with vehicles easily enough. Oh, and not to give too much away, there
is likely to be a large scale combat coming up in my Wednesday night game. (Our intrepid adventurers are helping to chase away a few flies from a handful of ranches, and speaking of which I know I have lots of data entry over the next couple of weeks.