It's not a bad way to go but I think my Strip Fleet idea does the same thing better, and solves/handles a few other issues in the bargain
Except that, for anyone running in the OTU, there's no evidence at all for such a formation. All the auxiliaries shown are more military in role.
The morale benefits also are limited - long term LS is 20 Td per person, rather than 2-4Td, and to have enough ships even at 4Td for the average of probably 1 to 1.5 dependents per serviceman means absolutely huge fleets, compounding the already problematically large housing issues in case of stand-downs...
It's a sufficiently large a feature that, if it were part of the OTU, it would have to be noted somewhere. Plus, people tend to keep their valuables in their permanent quarters - making the strip-fleet a significant target in and of itself for both neutralizing the Navy by morale damage (Kill the families) and for the increased personal goods.
Plus, the dependents are likely to go stir-crazy.
I think it much more likely that dependents are housed on-or-near the dirtside base proper, and like modern navies, families have to deal with letters & vids via fleet courier... Likely as not, there is sufficient info space for every courier outbound to carry 20 xmails for each crewman in every ship, and whichever encounters the ship they're supposed to be on relays them.
Likewise, I'd expect some short video-recordings, as well. Same process.
Wet-naval families somehow survive up to 1 year away from home-port (Carrier deployment)...I don't see why the 3I would likely be much different.
I don't think most assets of the high port will descend, either - the few high ports we see (mostly in Dragon and TD, not in GDW canon) are not the kinds of things that lowering into a gravity well would be any kinder than the enemy.
The only thing that is going to save ports and bases in orbit is that they're more useful captured than destroyed. Arm them, and that changes.