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Organized Crime

Why shucks Ran Targas...;)

We are the sum of our parts, milord. On behalf of the cast & other writers/ gamers & my co-moderator Bryan Gibson, thank you for the high praise!

we bow.
Don't sell yourself short, Lord Ran! We've had dozens of top notch conversations!

In my Corsairs campaign in the Hinterworlds, just about all Solomani and Client State Worlds represent the strongholds of "Fu Manchu" type- crime lords, an individual that is usually dictator of that particular world, so of course substantial muscle is at his or her command. Some of these characters are some of the worst Criminals that have fled/bought their way out of the Confederation to unaligned space.

The Hivers on the other hand run a human-staffed "benign police state" and encourage vigilanteism, bounty hunting, and privateering, among other things.

Solomani Privateers are some of the most vicious Pirates in the game, Well, after the PCs, that is!

On some non-aligned worlds laws have broken down on high population industrial worlds making them into "Necromunda" style "hive-cities"... hotbeds of criminal gang activity and overpopulation. Just the place to press gang some new pirates to fill the gunnels, Arrrr!
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
On some non-aligned worlds laws have broken down on high population industrial worlds making them into "Necromunda" style "hive-cities"... hotbeds of criminal gang activity and overpopulation. Just the place to press gang some new pirates to fill the gunnels, Arrrr!
Mind if I borrow (steal?) this idea?

I have several hi pop cities that could use some criminal activity.
I guess I've watched Bladerunner and Judge Dredd too many times; I thought all cities in the future were like that! IMTU they are!
Baron S, and others interested in a piracy campaign along the Imperial borders [Trailing or spinwards]:

Have you been to this man's site?


Some excellent ideas here, gentlemen and ladies, especially for the states that support the dark trade, and the grey trade between the stars.
When it comes to hanger bays, I always pay attention to the "footprint" of the small craft. The 130% rule is a good guide for generic bay's, but if your designing a specific bay for a specific craft, simply place the deck plan of the shuttle craft (or what ever) in the bay, and leave at least 1.5 meter on all sides, plus don't forget space above. Some craft have vertical stabilizers, fins, wings, etc... that needs to be taken into account. Small craft bays are also almost always two decks high. Otherwise a craft could only be 8 feet or so high, including extended landing skids...