Keklas Rekobah
SOC-14 1K
A Radio OPERATOR is an entirely different breed. By definition, you know how to operate your equipment, while Radio Men only knew how to break it. It's the difference between being trained to operate something, and being trained to merely man it."As you were, Keklas... I just happen to have BEEN on of those... although they called them Radio Operators in my day." - Rotters2
Other Navy term:
"Gear Adrift" - Any item not tied down, locked up, or in the immediate possession of a sailor. Such items, if not ship's property, usually disappear into the Chief Bosun's Mate's "Lucky Bag", if they're not thrown overboard.
"Lucky Bag" - Where gear adrift usually ends up, the contents of which are sold or auctioned off periodically to support the ship's recreation fund.
"Sea Daddy" - Any person of superior rank or grade who takes charge of the orientation and training of a transferree or booter until the new guy is fully integrated into the command's routine.
"Sea Puppy" - Any person who can't quite get the hang of command routine, and therefore always acts like it's his or her first day.