A MFD allows a gunner to ignore positive diff mods *caused by absolute range and target evasion*. When an energy weapon is overpowered, it is able to ignore 1 or 2 positive diff mods (with no such restriction mentioned). I’ve always “read between the lines” and assumed these had to be due to range or evasion, but I’m curious about how others interpret this rule. Would you allow overpowering diff mod negations to be used to offset
A) a positive diff mod due to target size (e.g. when shooting at a missile)?
B) a positive diff mod due to ship damage (e.g. due to the crew working in vacc suits)?
Depends on how you want to model the entire encounter.
The 10,000 foot level says that overpowering the weapons, in general, makes things "easier to hit". This can be because, say, the overpowered weapons are just that much more powerful, given all of the other circumstances that what may have been a marginal hit before is less marginal now. It can be because they get more "shots in" for any given duration.
But that would suggest powerful weapons in general should improve hit ability, or weapons with a higher ROF should be able to hit better in general, not exclusive to the "overpowered mode".
It's been some time, so I don't know what the disadvantage of overpowering a weapon is. That may give some insight in to perhaps where you could constrain the diff mods benefit.
If "it's just easier" to hit with an OP weapon, then, yes, it would compensate for all diff mods, not just those due to range etc. For example, closing the range removes a diff mod, which makes folks in vacc suits that much more likely to hit, because, overall, it's "easier", indirectly, by reducing the penalty for range.
The MFDs are a specific device design to manage the weapons and their mounts, which is why they only compensate for range, not the guy in the chair fat fingering the console because he's in a vacc suit. They simply can't improve the situation any better once range is out of the picture.
It's a fair leap to only apply the OP DM to range/evasion base penalties, but, as written, apparently OP weapons even compensate for gunners wearing oven mitts.