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Pandemonium - Panda Report


SOC-14 5K
Went to the local Toronto Con - Pandemonium. Sadly, nobody showed up at the Traveller tables in which I had scheduled two games. Part of it was timing Friday night & the next one Saturday morning. Well, not entirely true, had two newbies show up on the Saturday slot but the scenario required, at least 3...otherwise the attrition rate would be most alarming.

Managed to snag, a pre-release copy of 4e GURPS: nterstellar Wars and talk with one of the playtesters who did not want to join in actual gaming to make the circle complete, as the ruleset that I was using was not GURPS and he was there as a promoter.

So I played Cthulhu d20, with an excellent Referee/Keeper from late night to late night. Scenarios were imaginative and focus was on problem solving rather kill the monsters.

D&D 3e was the dominant game with not too many other games breaking through. Mostly just people going through the hoops of illustrating how a particular game system worked. Well, maybe, next year, I will try again for Traveller.

Some interesting vendors, as noted before managed to pick up some Star*Drive and Blue Planet stuff as noted before. And the pre-release Traveller: Interstellar Wars. T20 was nowhere to be found on the vendors' tables and GT Kamsii was in the bargin bin for $2.00.

The Auction was mainly war/board games. And the costume party was mainly a bunch of LARPers dressed in quasi-medievel fare. For a theme touted as Year of the Maiden, there was hardly any maids in sight...certainly not babes gamer or booth. We had a few gamergirrls but that's all.

All told the location sucked. Way out in the wilds of Scarborough what is affectionately known Scarberia...and man it was cold those nights...someone correct me but it felt like -30* C with the wind those two nights (Fri & Sat) when I exited. Plus, major snow outside the GTA. February is a terrible month for a con.

The key to getting people is to come for non D&D events was free enticements...such as the GM offering a Hackmaster event gave away free copies of the Players Handbook to all 6 participants. Hopefully, once we have a Players Handbook QLI will be able to do the same.

Hope to see some of you next year for what promises to better.

Hoping to maybe run something at Ad Astra or just attend one night...