I don't know why I didn't run into this problem before now. Before I guess it was because I was running MT and the rule (as I understand it) is that PCs can only purchase beginning equipment before the game at the TL of their homeworld. So this came up in our new T5 game which doesn't appear to have any such rule, so we questioned it. My PCs being a scout and a noble navel officer are obviously well travelled, and have likely had opportunities to buy things at higher TLs than the world they were born on. So the question became what TL limit should I put on their initial equipment? I tried to think of a way of figuring it out, but it seems too complicated to tailor it to each PC, and just setting it to Imperial maximum seems a little overpowering, giving the PCs nothing to strive for, at least in terms of TL.
So I'm just wondering what other people have done. Have I missed an obvious solution? Has someone come up with something clever to deal with this? Or is this just one of those problems with no easy answer?
So I'm just wondering what other people have done. Have I missed an obvious solution? Has someone come up with something clever to deal with this? Or is this just one of those problems with no easy answer?