The scout/courier is the final part of the network, although this type of ship is not restricted to working with the express boat system. The xboat network is a general framework of routes connecting major worlds and population centers with other similar worlds. Economic considerations make it impossible for the network to reach every single world in the Imperium; the scout/courier is used to fill the gaps. When a message 'can no longer be forwarded by xboat along the major routes, it is transferred to a scout/courier which then carries it to the specific world in question. Main routes are plotted to come within several parsecs of every star system in the Imperium, so the added transit time is rarely more than an extra three or four weeks.
While the xboat system provides fast forwarding of messages and information along the major xboat routes within the Imperium, it falls to the Scout Service's fleet of scout1couriers to relay information from worlds along the routes to outlying fringe worlds. The jump-2 capability of the scout/courier places nearly all such worlds within its range.