Legal Preamble
[Rob] Good afternoon Walt. I've re-posted two of your Traveller articles to the "Citizens of the Imperium" discussion board.
Then I realized I should ask permission. Can I do this?
Sep 14, 2022
[Walt] That's fine, thank you for asking and crediting me. I hope people find them interesting.
Sep 14, 2022
Just a little compilation of how Piracy and other things work(ed) In My Probably Heretical But The Players Enjoyed It Traveller Universe."Pirate" encounters could actually be Pirates, Commerce Raiders, or StarMercs on local war contracts. For purposes of this discussion, we'll limit "Pirate" to mean independent or small groups of ships acting illegally and taking ships as their primary criminal activity.
Capturing Ships
It's hard to take someone else's ship with you after you board it. Manpower problems (you can't make a ship jump without a navigator on board), frequent lack of fuel aboard the target vessel, and the ability of many shipmasters to lock out all but the most professional hackers from their computers tend to remove the ship itself as a target. Also, selling a ship requires some pretty specialized contacts due to the long paper trail involved - some pirate crews can do it, most find it too involved and more dangerous than taking the ship in the first place.
(Groups who _do_ have the manpower and expertise to crack into ship's computers, kill the crew, fly off with the ship and sell it for a profit don't risk their lives in space combat - they form hijacking teams and ride as passengers. They usually have to take the ship before it enters jumpspace (so they can pick the destination), but they like to strike during jump preparations because that's when the crew and the computer are busiest.)
The Corsair
The "average" pirate will be a small (100 to 400 ton) jump capable vessel. Type S Scout ships are minimally capable for this task, but are popular because they are ubiquitous, often travel with no flight plans, have oddball paper trails as a normal course of business and (IMTU at least) can be kept barely functional without seeing a class-B starport for years - though at a cost of steadily increasing field maintenance efforts.
A variety of 400 ton range vessels are the more common pirate, usually mutinied patrol cruisers or starmerc commerce raiders that ran out of war or were otherwise cashiered - the StarMerc that can't get contracts anymore because of incompetence or inability to follow the rules is a popular image of the "Classic Pirate", and does exist though is rare. Mutinied patrol vessels occur with some frequency because the officers of such vessels are the least competent or least experienced in the Navy (experienced and competent ones get to command Destroyers and up). Further, the crews of such vessels tend to be people that aren't doing well in the big happy family of the Navy. Note that "Navy" here means the Subsector & Sector Navies - the Imperial Navy does a better job at maintaining it's reputation as professionals, even at the patrol vessel level.
Patrol Cruisers, BTW, aren't front-line combat vessels - they are designed as long duration multi-role ships, able to do everything from search & rescue to boarding of suspected smugglers. The enforcement of red zones against ethically challenged free trader captains can be great training for a Patrol Cruiser crew - the skills and actions needed are almost identical to what they'll need after they mutiny and take up piracy.

(Note that the average patrol vessel encountered is Subsector or Sector Navy, colonial ships. Imperial patrols are only encountered around Impie Navy bases and operational fleets, or the occasional anti piracy sweep or patrol maneuvers. The fact that Impie patrol squadrons will do anti piracy sweeps through areas already at least nominally patrolled by local forces should show you what the Impies think of local capabilities. The free trader is ambivalent about the situation - Impies are good at clearing out pirates, but tend to perform board & inspect more often, which can make the free trader a bit nervous.)
The Imperial Scout Service has lost a few X-Boat Tenders to pirates. These ships often make long trips to outlying systems to pick up misdirected X-Boats, and some of these systems turn out to be more dangerous than expected. These ships would be used as mobile bases of operations, rather than as attack ships in their own right.
( be continued...)
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