SOC-14 1K
Originally this was a response to another thread (The Operational Rules of Traveller by robject). I felt it would be a good thread by itself.
I believe that Traveller does have a few things to say about planetary defense Deep Meson Sites, albeit indirectly.
Consider planetoids, armored or not. A planetary defense meson site (PDMS) is nothing more or less than the volume beneath the planet surface that would otherwise be available in planetoids as ships.
That same volume allows for costs, screen defensive power use, meson gun size etc. Call it a meson gun T, and a meson screen factor 9 and a "Bridge" for control rooms, a power plant, staterooms for crew, etc. just as if it were a ship, leaving out jump and maneuver drives of course.
Fuel could be continually supplied by underwater rivers, lakes or ocean access tubes and so forth. I would require a "holding tank" and fuel processors be included though.
With a deep site I would forgo nuclear dampers as unnecessary, or not, depending on "how deep is deep".
It's not complicated.
A few other rules are noted:
On the cheesy side TCS eliminates the need for ground assault by its rule on the victorious fleet having 100 offensive weapons points in orbit to control the planet. (I personally hate that rule). Also the long time between capture and use of shipyards is found in TCS.
Nobody seems to have rules on planetary defenses, notably deep meson sites, how they're deployed, how they're targeted, how they're hardened.
I believe that Traveller does have a few things to say about planetary defense Deep Meson Sites, albeit indirectly.
Consider planetoids, armored or not. A planetary defense meson site (PDMS) is nothing more or less than the volume beneath the planet surface that would otherwise be available in planetoids as ships.
That same volume allows for costs, screen defensive power use, meson gun size etc. Call it a meson gun T, and a meson screen factor 9 and a "Bridge" for control rooms, a power plant, staterooms for crew, etc. just as if it were a ship, leaving out jump and maneuver drives of course.
Fuel could be continually supplied by underwater rivers, lakes or ocean access tubes and so forth. I would require a "holding tank" and fuel processors be included though.
With a deep site I would forgo nuclear dampers as unnecessary, or not, depending on "how deep is deep".
It's not complicated.
A few other rules are noted:
On the cheesy side TCS eliminates the need for ground assault by its rule on the victorious fleet having 100 offensive weapons points in orbit to control the planet. (I personally hate that rule). Also the long time between capture and use of shipyards is found in TCS.
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